Injured by a Negligent Truck Driver? Take These Steps

Injured by a Negligent Truck Driver? Take These Steps

Truck Accident
You probably don’t need to be told that truck accidents are the deadliest accidents out there. The sheer size of these massive vehicles also helps to ensure that the occupants of the other vehicles involved are far more likely to be injured in the course of truck accidents (according to the National Safety Council – NSC). In fact, the occupants of passenger vehicles make up a full 71 percent of those who lose their lives in truck accidents. If you’re injured by a truck driver’s negligence, one of the first steps you should take is consulting with an experienced Beverly Hills Truck Accident Lawyer. Protect Yourself and Your Claim Although no two truck accident claims are ever exactly alike, the steps truck accident victims like you should take to protect…
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Conductores ebrios causan lesiones en Beverly Hills

Conductores ebrios causan lesiones en Beverly Hills

Truck Accident
Probablemente no sorprenda que los conductores ebrios sean conductores excepcionalmente peligrosos que causan algunos de los accidentes más mortales en nuestras carreteras. Beverly Hills es conocida por sus fabulosos restaurantes y su vida nocturna, lo que se presta a un aumento de las tasas de conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol. Si usted o un ser querido ha sido lesionado por un conductor ebrio, un abogado con experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos de Beverly Hills puede ayudarlo. Las Estadísticas La California Office of Traffic Safety comparte que hubo 1,066 muertes de tráfico relacionadas con el alcohol solo en 2019. El National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) informa además las siguientes estadísticas relacionadas con el alcohol: ● Todos los días en los Estados Unidos, unas 32 personas pierden la vida a causa…
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Los Conductores de Amazon pueden causar Choques

Los Conductores de Amazon pueden causar Choques

Truck Accident
Amazon entrega muchos paquetes y, como resultado, la gran empresa tiene muchos repartidores bajo contrato. Estos conductores están bajo una presión considerable para realizar entregas y, en el proceso, a veces provocan accidentes graves con los camiones de reparto. Si ha resultado lesionado por la negligencia de un conductor de entrega de Amazon, no deje de consultar con un abogado con experiencia en accidentes de camiones de entrega de Beverly Hills. Amazon Espera una Entrega Rápida Amazon lidera el camino en términos de entregas rápidas y ha sido acusado de perder de vista la seguridad en el proceso. De acuerdo a The Press-Enterprise, muchos de los repartidores que contratan a través de Amazon se quejan de que la empresa implementa un sistema automatizado que prioriza la entrega de paquetes sobre…
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15-Passenger Van Rollovers

15-Passenger Van Rollovers

Truck Accident
15-passenger vans are closely associated with rollover accidents, and the results are often deadly. These cumbersome vehicles require careful driving, and driver inexperience or negligence is often the root cause of ensuing accidents. If you’ve been injured by someone else’s negligence in a 15-passenger van rollover, you need an experienced Beverly Hills van accident attorney in your corner. Considering the Statistics The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 15-passenger vans are commonly used by daycare centers, sports teams, youth groups, carpools, and more – and that these vehicles are growing in popularity. These large vans, however, can be challenging to drive, and rollover rates are elevated (the rate rises as the number of passengers increases). Consider the following sobering statistics: From 2010 to 2019, 235 occupants of 15-passenger…
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Commercial Truck Driver Errors

Commercial Truck Driver Errors

Truck Accident
Truck accidents are some of the most violent, terrifying, and dangerous accidents on our roads, and they are often caused by errors on the part of truck drivers. If you find yourself in the difficult position of being injured by a truck driver’s negligence, you shouldn’t delay consulting with an experienced Beverly Hills truck accident attorney. Truck Accidents Are on the Rise The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) shares the following statistics, which demonstrate that dangerous truck accidents are on the rise: The number of trucks involved in fatal accidents rose by 2 percent from 2018 to 2019.The number of trucks involved in injury-causing accidents rose by 6 percent from 2018 to 2019.The accident involvement rate (crashes per 100 million miles traveled) for commercial trucks increased by 4 percent…
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Amazon Drivers Can Cause Crashes

Amazon Drivers Can Cause Crashes

Truck Accident
Amazon delivers a lot of packages, and as a result, the huge company has a lot of delivery drivers under contract. These drivers are under considerable pressure to deliver, and in the process, they sometimes cause serious delivery truck accidents. If you’ve been injured by an Amazon delivery driver’s negligence, don’t put off consulting with an experienced Beverly Hills delivery truck accident attorney. Amazon Expects Speedy Delivery Amazon leads the way in terms of speedy deliveries, and they have been accused of losing sight of safety in the process. According to The Press-Enterprise, many of the delivery drivers who contract through Amazon complain that the company implements an automated system that prioritizes the delivery of packages over safety – and that penalizes delivery drivers in the process. Specifically, Amazon is…
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Unqualified Truck Drivers

Unqualified Truck Drivers

Truck Accident
Maneuvering a massive 18-wheeler safely through traffic is a challenging task that requires considerable skill and experience – in addition to a commercial driver’s license. When the trucker behind the wheel of that semi beside you on the road lacks the appropriate qualifications, it makes the roadway more dangerous for you and for everyone else on it. If an unqualified truck driver leaves you injured in a truck accident, the matter is too serious not to consult with an experienced Beverly Hills truck accident attorney as soon as you’re able to do so. A Note about Trucking Companies  Truck drivers are professional drivers who are responsible for ably handling their rigs, following the rules of the road, and adhering to the strict rules and restrictions that are in place for…
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Who Can Help after a Truck Crash?

Who Can Help after a Truck Crash?

Truck Accident
Trucks are so immensely heavy that truck accidents generally lead to very serious injuries. If you’ve been injured by a truck driver’s negligence, obtaining just compensation is paramount, but you may not know where to turn for the help you need. Although no two truck accidents are ever exactly the same, the important steps forward do not vary. Seek the Medical Attention You Need  The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reports that the number of injury-causing truck accidents rose by 6 percent from 2018 to 2019. With these life-threatening accidents on the rise, it’s important to know what to do if you’re the victim of a truck accident, and the first step in the process is seeking the medical attention that you require as soon after the accident as…
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Why are Truck Crashes So Serious?

Why are Truck Crashes So Serious?

Truck Accident
There are a lot of serious traffic accidents on our roadways, but when it comes to sheer danger, truck accidents beat all the others a considerable margin. The immense size and weight of trucks ensures that the impact of truck accidents tends to be life-threatening and that the occupants of the other vehicles involved are at far greater risk. If you or someone you love has been injured by a truck driver’s negligence, make the call to an experienced Beverly Hills truck accident attorney today. The Semi’s Size The massive size of the semis with which we share our roads leads to all the following risk factors: Truck drivers experience significant blind spots across both sides and the front and back of their rigs. When motorists find themselves in these…
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Truck Accident
Si está involucrado en un accidente que involucra un camión comercial, necesita saber qué buscar para decidir qué abogado de accidentes de camiones contratar. Los accidentes de camiones a menudo involucran complejidades que no están presentes en los casos que involucran solo vehículos de pasajeros, como a quién perseguir en un juicio y responsabilizarse por los daños causados por el accidente de camión. Por lo tanto, es bueno tener una idea de qué tan bien conoce un abogado las complejidades del manejo de reclamos legales relacionados con accidentes de camiones. QUÉ PREGUNTAR La primera pregunta que debe hacer en una consulta para un posible abogado de accidentes de camiones es cuánta experiencia tiene él o ella en tales casos. No necesariamente desea que un abogado novato o sin experiencia maneje…
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