Car Accidents Can Result in Catastrophic Injuries
Car accidents can widely range in severity, as can the injuries that result. Some people are able to walk away from a crash scene with hardly a scratch. Others sustain injuries that are completely and forever life-altering. Crashes can result in catastrophic injuries, which are injuries that impact the functioning of your brain, spinal cord, or other body parts. Catastrophic injuries from traffic wrecks can include: Traumatic brain injury (TBI), which can cause long-term coma and permanent cognitive and physical impairmentsSpinal cord injury (SCI), which can result in permanent paralysis below the location of the injuryThird-degree burns, which might cause permanent disfigurement, loss of use of a body part, or even amputationAmputation, which removes an extremity, appendage, or limb These injuries require immediate trauma care and emergency transportation with the…