Signs Of a Concussion After A Bicycle Accident

Signs Of a Concussion After A Bicycle Accident

Signs Of a Concussion After A Bicycle Accident

Even if you wear a helmet every time you are on a bike, you can still suffer head trauma and a concussion if you crash and fall off. Studies have found that nearly 25% of active cyclists in America who’ve been in a bicycle accident have suffered a concussion. Therefore, it is not an uncommon occurrence whatsoever, and you should be on high alert for any signs that you should seek medical help. For example, if you have blurred vision or ringing in your ears immediately after hitting your head, that is a red flag. 

Dizziness, nausea, and vomiting are also fairly clear signs that you may have suffered a concussion in your accident. If you find yourself experiencing temporary memory loss after the accident, or if you’re having difficulties concentrating, these too can be a sign you may have suffered a concussion. Some people report simply feeling “out of it,” which is enough to warrant a medical evaluation.

If, as the days go on, you notice sleep irregularities, increased irritability, or difficulties maintaining your balance, these are all signs that you may have suffered a concussion.  If you are experiencing these symptoms, do not wait to seek medical attention to treat your concussion. 

Also extremely notable in determining the degree of your concussion is whether or not you lose consciousness from the blow to the head in your bicycle accident. With grade one and two level concussions, the victim does not lose consciousness but can experience any of the aforementioned symptoms among others. However, if you lose consciousness from your accident, you might be dealing with a grade three concussion, which can be very serious.  In all cases, medical help should be sought immediately. 

Find Out How a Beverly Hills Bicycle Accident Lawyer Can Help

Our Beverly Hills bike accident attorneys at Jalilvand law have dealt with concussion claims from bicycle accidents for years and are experienced in handling any similar claims you may have. Don’t hesitate to contact us today for a free case evaluation – either online or by phone at 310.478.5800.

