In-Car Systems Are Also Distracting

In-Car Systems Are Also Distracting

In-Car Systems Are Also Distracting

While in-car information systems help to ensure that drivers don’t need to take their hands off the wheel when making calls and implementing their GPSs, statistics demonstrate that this hasn’t panned out in terms of safety. All too often, those in-car screens prove distracting, which is a dangerous form of driver negligence that is far too common. If a motorist who is distracted by his or her in-car information system – or anything else – leaves you injured, discuss your claim with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney.

According to AAA

Research shared by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that in-car screen systems that are designed to share information with drivers in hands-free mode too often steal their attention for dangerously long stretches. When engaging in complicated voice-based or touch-screen-related tasks – such as sending texts or programming destinations – motorists are distracted (both visually and mentally) for an average of more than 40 seconds. The startling truth is that failing to watch the road for even two seconds doubles the crash risk, and the fact that the number of drivers who employ these systems is on the rise does not bode well for traffic safety.

Programming the GPS

Entering a destination in the GPS was deemed the most significant distraction. Consider the following:

  • Programming the GPS takes an average of 40 seconds.
  • When driving 25 mph, a motorist can travel a distance that is equal to the length of four football fields.
  • Traveling at highway speeds is even more alarmingly dangerous. 

An Experienced Beverly Hills Car Accident Attorney Is on Your Side

At Jalilvand Law in Beverly Hills, our accomplished car accident lawyers recognize the gravity of your situation and are standing by to help. With professional legal counsel on your side, you’ll be far better prepared to skillfully advocate for your rightful compensation, so please don’t put off contacting or calling us at 310.478.5800 today.

