Did You Lose Earning Potential as a Result of Another Driver’s Negligence

Did You Lose Earning Potential as a Result of Another Driver’s Negligence

Did You Lose Earning Potential as a Result of Another Driver’s Negligence

Driver negligence, such as speeding, impairment, and distraction, is rampant. If you’ve been harmed by another driver’s dangerous driving practices, recognizing your losses in terms of medical expenses and lost wages is typically fairly straightforward, but the matter of lost earning potential is often more complicated. If you have been harmed by another driver’s negligence, don’t delay reaching out for the professional legal guidance of an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney.

Identifying and Calculating Lost Earning Potential

Lost earning potential refers to losses related to a thwarted career trajectory over time. For example, if your injuries leave you unable to actively compete for a promotion that you would very likely have otherwise received, it can slow down your career considerably and can have lasting financial implications over many years. Some of the factors that can play a role in lost earning potential include:

  • Losses related to your education (if you are a student)
  • Losses in terms of your line of work (if you are forced to change careers)
  • Your history of raises and promotions and any changes stemming from the accident
  • Your pay rate and any effects the accident has on it, including in relation to others in the same line of work
  • Any effects the accident has on your credentials or certifications, such as if you are unable to keep them up as a result of the injuries you’ve suffered
  • Your work history and any post-accident changes, such as if your injuries require you to consistently miss work, deadlines, or both
  • Any changes in terms of overall opportunities for advancement

Discuss Your Claim with an Experienced Beverly Hills Car Accident Attorney Today

The savvy Beverly Hills car accident attorneys at Jalilvand Law have an impressive track record of helping clients obtain compensation that covers their complete physical, financial, and emotional losses, including lost earning potential. Learn more today by contacting or calling us at 310.478.5800.

