More Online Shopping Means More Truck Accidents

More Online Shopping Means More Truck Accidents

More Online Shopping Means More Truck Accidents

Between our busy lives and the changes we experienced during the pandemic, it has become convenient to buy over half our goods online, reducing human traffic in retail stores and shopping malls. However, this convenience also opens a door for increased trucks on the road because online retailers need trucks to deliver orders.

More commercial trucks driving across the country mean an increase in trucking accidents and resulting injuries. Anyone who sustained injuries in a truck crash should learn how a Beverly Hills truck accident lawyer can help you protect your rights.

Increased Delivery Trucks Means More Potential Accidents

COVID-19 forced millions of Americans to avoid crowded supermarkets and shopping malls. The virus greatly accelerated online transactions to unprecedented proportions. For instance, the overall online spending in May 2020 hit an all-high of $82.5 billion, increasing by 77% from the previous year.

Additionally, increased delivery demand has caused the government to relax some of its regulatory measures. For instance, the US Department of Transportation suspended some of its rules that required all truck drivers to take off-road breaks while delivering goods. Formerly, drivers would work a maximum of 14 hours daily, out of which they were to spend a maximum of 11 hours driving. This suspension has potentially increased driver fatigue, increasing truck accidents.

Worse still, some online retailers have compromised safety to meet soaring demands by:

  • Quickly hiring unqualified employees and drivers.
  • Not verifying driving records or performing complete driver background checks.
  • Not enforcing rest and lunch breaks.
  • Poor truck maintenance.
  • Violating traffic laws.

Contact a Beverly Hills Truck Accident Attorney Now

Are you fighting to win fair compensation for your truck accident injuries and losses? Don’t do it alone when you can contact a Beverly Hills truck accident attorney from Jalilvand Law today. Talk to our team today for a free case evaluation.

