Evidence in a Truck Accident Case

Evidence in a Truck Accident Case

Evidence in a Truck Accident Case

Any motor vehicle accident case will turn on the evidence that you have. Truck accident cases have far more sources of evidence that you can use to prove your case. However, you must act quickly to obtain this evidence before it is lost or made to disappear by the trucking company.

Like any motor vehicle case, you can benefit from physical evidence that could establish who was to blame for the crash. The best thing is when you have witnesses who saw the accident. Then, pictures of the accident scene and video footage may also prove your case.

Sources of Evidence that Help Your Case

There are additional helpful sources of evidence in a truck accident case, including:

  • Black box data that could show key facts about how the truck was operating prior to the accident
  • Company records that show how the business complies with federal trucking regulations
  • Driver records that show drug test results and the operator’s history (including disciplinary actions)
  • Maintenance records that show what, if any, work was done to keep the truck in proper working order
  • Driver logs that show the hours of operation for the truck

You can get all of this evidence during your truck accident lawsuit in the discovery process. However, your lawyer must quickly send a letter to the trucking company directing it to preserve all evidence in anticipation of possible litigation. You cannot trust the trucking company, especially when it may have a large possible liability.

Call a Beverly Hills California Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one have been injured in a truck accident, the legal team at Jalilvand Law will go to work for you immediately. To begin the legal process, contact us online to set up an initial consultation.

