How Much Does a Car Accident Injury Cost?

How Much Does a Car Accident Injury Cost?

How Much Does a Car Accident Injury Cost?

While it is impossible to say exactly how much your car accident injury will ultimately cost, it is not a stretch to say that you can expect your losses to be considerable (even for a relatively minor accident). If you find yourself in the difficult situation of having been injured by another driver’s negligence, the best path forward is with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney in your corner.

Your Car Accident 

The California Office of Traffic Safety reports that traffic fatalities in the state decreased by about 5 percent in 2019 (over 2018), but that the overall number remains high (3,606). In California, you can seek compensation for the covered losses (or legal damages) that you incur as a result of another driver’s negligence in four basic categories.

Property Damage

Property damage to your car is naturally included in your losses, but it may account for just a small percentage of your total.

Medical Expenses

The medical costs associated with a car accident can be immense, and they are often ongoing (in response to healthcare complications and secondary concerns). It’s important not to accept a settlement prior to establishing the full extent of your current and future medical needs.

Lost Income

There is also your lost income – while you are laid up by the recovery process – to consider. If your ability to continue earning at the same rate is affected, the cost to you can be even more considerable.

Pain and Suffering

The physical and psychological pain and suffering you endure as a result of a dangerous car accident can be overwhelming, and you shouldn’t lose track of this category of loss in your claim.

Turn to an Experienced Beverly Hills Car Accident Injury Attorney 

The skilled car accident lawyers at Jalilvand Law in Beverly Hills have an impressive track record of helping clients like you favorably resolve their challenging car accident claims. Your claim matters, so please don’t wait to contact or call us at 310.478.5800 for more information today.

