Wait before Accepting an Early Car Accident Settlement Offer

Wait before Accepting an Early Car Accident Settlement Offer

Wait before Accepting an Early Car Accident Settlement Offer

If you have been injured by someone else’s negligence in a car accident, the mounting medical bills, lost income, and immense physical and emotional pain and suffering you experience can leave you feeling desperate. And if the insurance company offers an early settlement, it can feel like the answer to your biggest problems, but not so fast. Before signing off on an early settlement offer, it is always in your best interest to reach out to an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney.

The Early Settlement Offer

Insurance companies have immense resources at their disposal, and they are in the business of generating immense profits. Toward this end, they have a wide range of tried-and-true techniques to slow down the process and keep payouts low. If instead, the insurance company comes back with a speedy settlement offer, it is a good sign that it is attempting to finalize your claim before you have time to accurately assess the full scope of your losses.

By making an early offer, the insurance company is skipping steps like debating their policyholder’s fault in the matter, which can take a wide range of forms that include:

When the insurance company cuts right to the chase with a settlement offer, it’s time to take a step back and consider its motivations, and a dedicated car accident attorney can help you with that.

Speak to an Experienced Beverly Hills Car Accident Attorney Today

The well-respected Beverly Hills car accident attorneys at Jalilvand Law have ample experience negotiating fair compensation that allows accident victims like you to reach their most complete recoveries. Your claim is too important to leave to chance, so please don’t put off contacting or calling us at 310.478.5800 for more information today.

