Four Things Not To Do After A Truck Accident

Four Things Not To Do After A Truck Accident

Four Things Not To Do After A Truck Accident

After a truck accident, people are left in shock of the event they just experienced. They may not be thinking clearly and might do something or say something that could hurt their claim against the trucker. Here are some things to keep in mind not to do if you are involved in a truck accident.

First, never admit fault, even if you believe the accident was partially due to your own negligence. Admitting fault is a sure way to get the claim you are entitled to significantly reduced by your own contributory negligence or even denied outright. Leave it for the defendant to establish any degree of fault on your behalf, and never admit to the police or other driver that you may have been at fault in causing the accident.

Second, do not fail to call the police. You need the police there to officially make a record of the accident for both legal purposes and for your insurance claim. If they cite or arrest another driver, it can significantly help your case.

Third, do not neglect seeking medical treatment immediately. Not only is this important for your own well-being, but it will be important to document any injuries you sustained as a result of the truck accident.

Fourth, never wait to call a Beverly Hills truck accident attorney. Trucking companies often begin investigating accidents and building defenses right away, so you want your own legal counsel working on the case as soon as possible.

Learn How Beverly Hills Truck Accident Lawyers Can Help

Our lawyers at Jalilvand law are especially equipped to handle truck accident claims and are available to help should you ever find yourself in an accident caused by a trucker. We have handled many of these cases and have a proven reputation for success. Contact us today, either online or by phone at 310.478.5800.

