The Most Important Factors in Your Car Accident Claim

The Most Important Factors in Your Car Accident Claim

The Most Important Factors in Your Car Accident Claim

If you have been injured by another driver’s negligence, your ability to fully recover can hinge on your ability to obtain the compensation to which you are entitled. Car accident claims can become very challenging very quickly, which makes it important to know the factors that tend to determine whether claims will ultimately prove successful. One of the most important factors in your ability to prevail is having an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney in your corner.

Factors to Consider

While your case will be unique to the circumstances involved, the following factors will all help to determine its outcome:

  • The consistency of the statements you make at the scene, to the insurance rep, to your doctors, on social media, and beyond – the best practice is leaving the talking to your trusted accident attorney to the extent possible and staying off social media while your claim is pending.
  • The medical expenses you incur as a result, including any ongoing healthcare needs, out-of-pocket expenses, and secondary health concerns.
  • Your resulting lost earnings, including any loss in earning potential
  • The resulting pain and suffering you endure
  • The strength of the available evidence in relation to the other driver’s negligence
  • The information contained in the resulting police report

Car accident claims are complicated, and whether you’ve been injured by a speeding motorist, a distracted driver, a drunk driver, or by anyone else’s negligence, obtaining just compensation is paramount, which makes it in your best interest to leave the heavy lifting – in terms of protecting your rights and your claim – to your seasoned attorney.

Seek the Guidance of an Experienced Beverly Hills Car Accident Attorney

The well-respected Beverly Hills car accident attorneys at Jalilvand Law recognize the gravity of your situation and have the drive and legal insight to help. Learn more by contacting or calling us at 310.478.5800 today.

