Don’t Ignore Signs of Car Accident Injuries

Don’t Ignore Signs of Car Accident Injuries

Don’t Ignore Signs of Car Accident Injuries

Car crashes are jarring events, and you can feel shaken up afterward. Some people think that feeling disoriented or sore is to be expected after a collision – after all, it was unexpected, stressful, and you experienced an impact. However, in reality, feeling disoriented, sore, stiff, or similar sensations can be the signs of serious injuries.

Being tired, having a headache, and feeling dizzy or “out of it” are all commonly written off after a crash. These can actually be the effects of a concussion, which could worsen with time or develop into a more serious condition if you do not get the diagnosis and treatment recommendations you need.

In addition, you might expect to be sore or stiff – especially in your neck and shoulders – if your head snapped back and forth in a collision. While you wait for these symptoms to get better on their own, they might simply get worse, as they could be the signs of soft tissue injuries.

If you’re experiencing anything out of the ordinary after a car accident, never ignore it. It is always better to err on the side of caution and get a medical evaluation right after the crash. You could have serious – but invisible – injuries diagnosed, and you could prevent serious complications from developing.

Once you have a diagnosis, you should contact a car accident law firm for an assessment of your legal rights. Just like you should not diagnose your own injuries, you also should not evaluate your out legal options. Never hesitate to seek professional help with both your injuries and your legal claim.

Seek Help from a Beverly Hills Car Accident Lawyer

If you need help from a Beverly Hills car accident attorney, contact Jalilvand Law. Contact us online or call 310.478.5800 for a free case evaluation today.

