Take These Important Steps after a Car Accident

Take These Important Steps after a Car Accident

Take These Important Steps after a Car Accident

If another driver’s negligence leaves you injured, it’s important to focus on your recovery. While your car accident claim will not be exactly like anyone else’s, there are steps that every car accident victim should take, and one of them is consulting with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney as soon as you’re able to do so.

The Basics

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 2021 is slated to be the most dangerous year on record for fatal traffic accidents, with an estimated 42,915 deaths. Car accidents are far too common, and knowing how to protect your claim – in pursuit of your most complete recovery – is paramount. The basic steps every car accident victim should take include:

  • Take your injuries seriously by seeking medical attention early on (even if you aren’t convinced that your injuries are serious) and by carefully following your doctor’s instructions and advice throughout the recovery process.
  • Make a conscious effort not to post on social media. The insurance company is waiting for you to reveal more than you intend to, and social media also opens you up to privacy concerns.
  • Allow your car accident attorney to communicate with the insurance company on behalf of you and your claim. Again, the insurance company is interested in tripping you up, and limiting their access to you is well advised.

Discuss Your Claim with an Experienced Beverly Hills Car Accident Attorney Today

At Jalilvand Law in Beverly Hills, our skilled car accident attorneys are committed to helping you build your strongest claim, defend your legal rights, and seek just compensation that covers your physical, financial, and emotional losses. Don’t wait to learn more by contacting or calling us at 310.478.5800 today.

