Frequently Asked Questions About Semi-Truck Accident Attorneys in Pasadena, California

Frequently Asked Questions About Semi-Truck Accident Attorneys in Pasadena, California

Frequently Asked Questions About Semi-Truck Accident Attorneys in Pasadena, California

What Qualifies as a Semi-Truck Accident?

A semi-truck accident involves a collision where at least one of the vehicles is a semi-truck, also known as an 18-wheeler or big rig. These accidents often result in more severe injuries and complications compared to regular car accidents due to the size and weight of the semi-trucks.

Why Do I Need a Specialized Attorney for a Semi-Truck Accident?

Semi-truck accidents often involve complex laws and regulations that general personal injury attorneys may not be well-versed in. At Jalilvand Law, our attorneys specialize in handling these intricate cases, ensuring you get the compensation you deserve.

What Types of Compensation Can I Expect?

Victims of semi-truck accidents in Pasadena, California, may be eligible for various types of compensation, such as medical expenses, loss of earnings, pain and suffering, and more. The specifics depend on the particulars of your case.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit?

In California, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including semi-truck accidents, is generally two years from the date of the accident. However, there are exceptions, so it’s crucial to consult with an attorney as soon as possible.

How Do I Choose the Right Semi-Truck Accident Attorney?

Look for an attorney with a proven track record in handling semi-truck accident cases. It’s also important that the attorney is familiar with the local laws and courts in Pasadena, California. Our team at Jalilvand Law is dedicated to providing specialized legal assistance in these cases.

What Steps Should I Take After a Semi-Truck Accident?

  1. Call for emergency assistance.
  2. Document the scene.
  3. Seek medical attention.
  4. Consult an attorney specialized in semi-truck accidents, like those at Jalilvand Law, for a comprehensive review of your case.

