If You’re Injured in a Rideshare Accident

If You’re Injured in a Rideshare Accident

Auto Accident
While no one is complaining about the convenience that rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have brought into our lives, rideshare accident claims can be more challenging. If you’ve been injured by a rideshare driver’s negligence, you should not put off consulting with an experienced Beverly Hills rideshare accident attorney. The Rideshare Process The primary distinction between negligence-based rideshare accidents and other car accidents is how insurance kicks in. If you are injured by another driver’s negligence in a car accident, you’ll seek compensation through the driver’s car insurance provider. If, however, the driver happens to be a rideshare driver, where they are in the rideshare process will determine which insurance policy or policies are responsible for covering your claim. Consider the following: If the rideshare driver has a passenger…
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Distracted Rideshare Drivers

Distracted Rideshare Drivers

Auto Accident
Rideshare apps, like Lyft or Uber, allow people to request a ride, like an on-call private taxi, right from their phones. Throughout the pick-up, while en route, and during the drop-off, the driver must look at and tap things in the rideshare app. Is it really safe to have a driver relying on using an app while driving? If that app the driver was using sent text messages, it would be illegal, but if it sends Uber passenger pick-up instructions, it’s ok. How is driving while using a rideshare app not distracted driving? What Is Distracted Driving? “The human brain’s inability to quickly process numerous sensory cues at the same time means that something must give—and often, it’s the driver’s focus on the road,” writes Uber on their own website.…
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