Treatment You Might Need Following a Car Crash

Treatment You Might Need Following a Car Crash

Treatment You Might Need Following a Car Crash

After a car accident, ensuring your physical condition is as stable as possible should always be your top priority. If the EMTs believe you need emergency transportation, it is wise to accept the ambulance ride. If you have injuries that are not dire enough to warrant an ambulance, you should still make your way to the emergency room or urgent care following the crash.

Your treatment should begin with diagnostic testing, which can include asking you questions, physically examining you, conducting CT scans, x-rays, and other imaging tests, and more. Once your injuries are diagnosed, your doctor should recommend a treatment plan tailored to your specific injuries. This plan can vary widely, and it might include:

  • Hospitalization – Patients with life-threatening injuries or who risk serious complications might need to be monitored in the hospital. Some patients with serious brain or internal injuries might be unconscious and need time in the ICU.
  • Surgery – Some serious injuries require surgical intervention, such as compound fractures, internal organ damage, and more. There will be a recovery period following the surgery.
  • Rehabilitative therapy – Traumatic injuries often require physical therapy or occupational therapy to strengthen joints, soft tissue, and other parts of the body. Some people might spend time in a therapy facility – especially older adults.
  • Medication and medical equipment – Many people need medication to prevent infections, control pain, and more. If your recovery will take time or you have permanent impairments, you might need medical equipment like a wheelchair.

Even minor injuries can require medical treatment, which can result in a pile of medical bills.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer in Beverly Hills

At Jalilvand Law, we work to hold negligent drivers and other parties liable for the medical bills and other losses of crash victims. Call 310.478.5800 or contact us online for a free consultation with a Beverly Hills car accident attorney.

