Trucking Companies Might Hire Dangerous Drivers

Trucking Companies Might Hire Dangerous Drivers

Trucking Companies Might Hire Dangerous Drivers

Despite the dangers that large trucks pose, some trucking companies still hire dangerous drivers. Yes, available commercial truck drivers are becoming rarer, with the younger generation showing little interest in the industry. However, that isn’t an excuse for companies to hire reckless drivers who are not qualified to drive commercial vehicles.

If you are injured in a truck crash, a Beverly Hills truck accident attorney can evaluate your rights and options. We can help identify when a trucking company engaged in negligent hiring.

Who is a Dangerous Truck Driver?

A dangerous truck driver might have one or more of the following traits that make them unfit to drive semi-trucks on our highways: 

  • They have a history of accidents and are more likely to do the same.
  • They have prior drunk or drugged driving convictions.
  • The driver has a history of excessive speeding.
  • They lack a good employment history.
  • They don’t meet the FMCSA guidelines, including health guidelines.

When Does a Trucking Company Hire a Dangerous Driver?

A trucking company can engage in negligent hiring or other forms of negligence due to:

  • Not providing sufficient training to rookie drivers.
  • Hiring drivers without valid CDLs.
  • Not requiring drug tests for drivers.
  • Hiring drivers with multiple driving violations.
  • Employing drivers whose advanced age significantly impairs their driving ability.
  • Not completing thorough background driver checks.
  • Not demanding medical and sight tests.
  • Not providing drivers with safety manuals.

When there are unqualified or reckless commercial drivers behind the wheels of large trucks, it can increase the chances of an accident. In this situation, hiring records might indicate trucking company negligence and liability.

Talk to a Beverly Hills Truck Accident Attorney Today

Don’t pursue compensations for truck accident injuries alone. Please talk to a Beverly Hills truck accident attorney at Jalilvand Law to book a free case evaluation. Contact us today.

