How Does Coverage Work in Uber Accidents?

How Does Coverage Work in Uber Accidents?

How Does Coverage Work in Uber Accidents?

If you have been injured by an Uber driver’s negligence, you may be at an utter loss regarding which insurance company to file your claim with and how best to proceed. While these claims are often exceptionally challenging, there are some insurance basics that can help you better understand your claim. One of the most important things you can do in terms of protecting your rights after an Uber accident is to hire an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney from the outset.

Where You Are in the Uber Process

The matter of which insurance company or companies will handle your Uber claim depends upon where you are in the Uber process. Consider the following:

  • If the negligent Uber driver in question has a passenger or is on the way to pick up a passenger, Uber’s own insurance provider is in play, and you will file your claim with them.
  • If the Uber driver is on the Uber app but waiting to be signaled for a pickup, Uber’s coverage will begin where the Uber driver’s personal coverage ends.
  • If the Uber driver is no longer on the app, regardless of when they toggled off, it’s no longer an Uber accident, and your claim will proceed in the same way it would in any other car accident – through the negligent driver’s provider.

An Experienced Beverly Hills Car Accident Attorney Can Help

As rideshare companies like Uber are becoming more and more popular, Uber accidents are on the rise, and the dedicated Beverly Hills car accident attorneys at Jalilvand Law have a wealth of experience successfully handling these often-challenging claims. Because the stakes are high, you shouldn’t wait to reach out and contact or call us at 310.478.5800 for more information about how we can help today.

