When Another Car Backs into You, Who’s at Fault?

When Another Car Backs into You, Who’s at Fault?

When Another Car Backs into You, Who’s at Fault?

If another car backs into you in a parking lot, it can be as startling as it is dangerous, and while you may believe that it’s the other driver’s fault, you may not know how to go about proving it. If this is the difficult position you find yourself in, seek the professional legal counsel of an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney today.

Common Scenarios

While parking lots have a tendency to feel like a free for all, backing-up accidents tend to play out in the following ways:

  • A car is backing out of a parking space and hits a car driving past
  • A car is backing out of a parking space and hits a parked car
  • Two or more cars back out at the same time, and as a result, an accident occurs


Typically, the driver who is backing up is deemed at fault for parking lot accidents, but factors like the following can play a role in this determination:

  • Which driver had the right-of-way in the situation
  • Whether or not the driver who was backing up was moving at the time of the accident

Ultimately, drivers are responsible for backing up safely, which requires paying careful attention to what is happening behind their vehicles. There are instances, however, in which the other driver’s distraction, impairment, or excess speed can either contribute to or cause a parking lot backing-up accident.

Discuss Your Claim with an Experienced Beverly Hills Car Accident Attorney Today

Accident claims involving being backed into a parking lot can be complicated, but the savvy car accident attorneys at Jalilvand Law are well prepared and well positioned to help. Your case is important, so please don’t wait to contact or call us at 310.478.5800 for more information today.

