Will My Car Accident Claim Go to Trial?

Will My Car Accident Claim Go to Trial?

Will My Car Accident Claim Go to Trial?

If you have been injured by another driver’s negligence, you have enough on your plate, and the thought of going to trial may be more than you can handle. The truth is, however, that your claim is far more likely to settle out of court, and if it is necessary to go to court – in order to obtain the compensation that you need and to which you are entitled – your experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney will be well prepared to do so.

Settling Your Car Accident Claim

You will file your car accident claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance provider and will negotiate for compensation that fairly covers your full range of physical, financial, and emotional damages. Your car accident attorney will gather all the relevant evidence to build your strongest claim and will use this to guide your negotiations with the insurance company. Only if the insurance company refuses to engage in fair negotiations will your attorney advise you to file a lawsuit against the insurance provider, and even if you do, you’re very likely to settle prior to your case going to trial.

The Insurance Company

The insurance company handling your claim is interested in keeping your payout as small as possible, and towards this end, it may engage in any of the following:

  • Artificially complicating or prolonging the claims process
  • Shifting fault toward the claimant
  • Denying the severity of the claimant’s injuries
  • Offering an early, lowball settlement that does not come close to covering complete damages but that the claimant may be desperate enough to accept

There are legal requirements in place to help ensure that insurance companies treat claimants fairly, and your car accident attorney will hold the company handling your claim in check. 

Speak with an Experienced Beverly Hills Car Accident Attorney Today

The focused Beverly Hills car accident attorneys at Jalilvand Law care about you and your claim and are here to help. Learn more by contacting or calling us at 310.478.5800 today.

