Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

Auto Accident
The National Spinal Cord Injury Association estimates that 450,000 Americans live with spinal cord injuries. Additionally, another 17,000 suffer spinal cord injuries annually. These injuries also cost the nation some $9.7 billion to treat annually. In many cases, people who suffer spinal cord injuries are entitled to compensation for their medical costs, lost quality of life, pain and suffering, lost income, and other damages. To learn whether you have a claim, call our office today to speak with an attorney Main Types of Spinal Cord Injuries Spinal cord injuries can vary in terms of severity. In addition, they can be divided into two broad categories: Incomplete Injuries Incomplete spinal cord injuries occur when the spinal cord is damaged but can still transmit nerve signals to some extent. Incomplete injuries are…
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A Brain Injury Can Lead to a Coma

A Brain Injury Can Lead to a Coma

Auto Accident
A coma is an extended state of lost consciousness. A coma eliminates one’s ability to respond to their environment, and people in a coma look like they are in a deep sleep. However, nothing can awaken such patients, including pain or other stimulation. If a person has suffered a brain injury and is unresponsive, it is critical to seek medical attention immediately. Unfortunately, in some cases, brain injuries leading to comas can result in serious long-term issues. In cases where an injury was caused by someone else’s negligence, the affected person’s family can enlist a Beverly Hills catastrophic injury attorney to seek compensation. What Kinds of Accidents Can Lead to Comas? Any kind of accident that can lead to a brain injury can also lead to a coma. Some of…
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Common Truck Driver Mistakes

Common Truck Driver Mistakes

Truck Accident
A Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) study revealed that negligent truck drivers cause more truck accidents than vehicle malfunctions, weather, and road conditions combined. Driver errors injure thousands of road users annually, and if you suffered injuries due to a negligent truck driver, learn how a Beverly Hills truck accident attorney can help with your injury claim. Speeding Just as the saying goes, speed kills. But despite the apparent dangers speeding poses to motorists, many truck drivers still speed. In fact, in many situations, speeding is more than a mistake, as it is a blatant disregard for traffic laws. Neglecting One’s Physical and Psychological Health Neglecting one’s physical and psychological health is another mistake that truck drivers make. Some commercial drivers focus more on their trucking careers and neglect…
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Why Drivers Can be Drowsy

Why Drivers Can be Drowsy

Auto Accident
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that drowsy driving caused 72,000 accidents that injured 44,000 Americans and killed 800 others in a recent year. But what causes drowsy driving, and how can a Beverly Hills car accident attorney help you win fair compensation for your injuries? Common Drowsy Driving Causes Many factors cause drowsy driving and the main culprits include: Untreated sleep disorders - Failing to treat sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). A driver with this condition will have their breathing repeatedly stop and start, keeping them awake throughout the night and causing fatigue during the day. Millions of Americans suffer from this condition. Long work hours  - Drivers working on long or night shifts are most likely to engage in drowsy driving. This type…
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What Should You Do After a Car Crash?

What Should You Do After a Car Crash?

Auto Accident
Car accidents can be traumatic events, with over 3,600 people in California dying from their crash-related injuries in a recent year. Injury victims are often stressed out and shaken up after an accident, but there are certain things you should do, including consulting with a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Examine Yourself for Any Injuries Start by examining yourself to see if you have any visible injuries. If you might have suffered severe injuries, remain where you are while waiting for emergency rescue. Find Out if Your Passengers are Hurt If you have other passengers, find out if they are injured. If they are, call 911 or request passersby to assist you. Move to a Safer Site Move to a safer location if you can. Move…
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Types of Commercial Trucks that Can be in Accidents

Types of Commercial Trucks that Can be in Accidents

Truck Accident
In the last few decades, the commercial trucking industry has gained a bad reputation due to increased truck accident cases. The trend is concerning since estimates show that truck-related accidents could become America’s fifth-largest killer by 2030. The above threat is real because large trucks: Comprise 10% of all vehicles involved in deadly accidents; Constitute 4% of all registered vehicles;Account for 7% of total vehicle miles traveled. But which types of trucks are most likely to cause road accidents? Read on to discover more and how a Beverly Hills truck accident lawyer can truck accident victims pursue their rightful claims for compensation. Tow Trucks Tow trucks might be smaller than some other commercial trucks, but they can still cause serious damage if they crash into other vehicles, especially if they…
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You Can Hit Your Head in a Car Accident

You Can Hit Your Head in a Car Accident

Auto Accident
Head injuries are possible in any type of car accident. In fact, the CDC reports that about 61,000 people suffer fatal traumatic brain injuries each year in the U.S., and motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of this type of injury. You can hit your head and incur injuries with varying severity, and if someone else was at fault, you should know how hiring a Beverly Hills car accident attorney helps you with your injury claim. The Effects of Hitting Your Head in a Car Accident Hitting your head during a car accident can affect you in many ways, including leading to some of the following symptoms: Minor bleeding.Mild bruising.Headaches.Nausea.Mild dizziness. If the injury is more serious, you may show the following signs: Frequent urination. Confusion.Vomiting or nausea.A lasting…
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Trucking Companies Might Hire Dangerous Drivers

Trucking Companies Might Hire Dangerous Drivers

Truck Accident
Despite the dangers that large trucks pose, some trucking companies still hire dangerous drivers. Yes, available commercial truck drivers are becoming rarer, with the younger generation showing little interest in the industry. However, that isn’t an excuse for companies to hire reckless drivers who are not qualified to drive commercial vehicles. If you are injured in a truck crash, a Beverly Hills truck accident attorney can evaluate your rights and options. We can help identify when a trucking company engaged in negligent hiring. Who is a Dangerous Truck Driver? A dangerous truck driver might have one or more of the following traits that make them unfit to drive semi-trucks on our highways:  They have a history of accidents and are more likely to do the same.They have prior drunk or…
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Qué sucede en un Accidente de Camión Volcado

Qué sucede en un Accidente de Camión Volcado

Auto Accident
Sabía que los accidentes de camiones mataron a 4,119 Americanos en 2019? Además, el 16% de estas muertes evitables fueron ocupantes de camiones, el 67% fueron ocupantes de otros vehículos, mientras que el 15% fueron peatones, ciclistas o motociclistas. Algunos de estos accidentes de camiones mortales involucraron un camión que se volcó. En su mayoría, los accidentes de volcaduras ocurren cuando los camiones giran o cambian de dirección repentinamente. Los camiones terminan en un lado de sus remolques después de un accidente de este tipo. Estos accidentes suelen dar lugar a choques de reacción en cadena que provocan lesiones en muchas personas. Si sufrió lesiones en un accidente de camión, hable hoy con un abogado especializado en accidentes de camión en Beverly Hills. Factores que Contribuyen a los Vuelcos Distintos…
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Los Peligros del Exceso de Velocidad

Los Peligros del Exceso de Velocidad

Auto Accident
El exceso de velocidad pone en peligro a los demás en la carretera, lo cual queda claro cuando se sabe que el exceso de velocidad se cobró 9.378 vidas solo en 2018. Sí, vivimos en una sociedad ocupada donde la mayoría de la gente vive en el carril rápido y todos parecen apresurarse para lograr sus objetivos. Pero la necesidad de tener prisa constante no debería poner en riesgo a los demás. Es por eso que, el gobierno establece límites de velocidad para beneficiar a todos los conductores. También vale la pena señalar que el exceso de velocidad ha estado involucrado en una cantidad significativa de todas las muertes en vehículos; solo en el 2018, el exceso de velocidad causó el 26% de todas las muertes por tránsito. Si un…
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