Los Conductores de Camiones A Menudo Conducen Demasiado Rápido Bajo la Lluvia

Los Conductores de Camiones A Menudo Conducen Demasiado Rápido Bajo la Lluvia

Auto Accident
Muchas veces, el agua se mezcla con el aceite en la carretera cuando comienza a llover, lo que la convierte en resbaladiza y peligrosa para la conducción. Esta es también una de las muchas formas en que las condiciones de lluvia pueden hacer que conducir sea peligroso para los camioneros. Por ejemplo, afecta la conducción segura al minimizar la visibilidad del conductor, reducir la tracción y reducir la capacidad del conductor para detenerse. Hay muchos peligros para los conductores de camiones que conducen a exceso de velocidad bajo la lluvia, y un abogado de accidentes de camión de Beverly Hills puede ayudar a proteger sus derechos si sufre lesiones por esta razón. Los Peligros de Acelerar en la Lluvia Algunos de los principales riesgos de los camiones que aceleran bajo…
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Qué distracciones causan los accidentes automovilísticos

Qué distracciones causan los accidentes automovilísticos

Auto Accident
Sabía que conducir distraído mata a ocho estadounidenses al día? Además, una cuarta parte de los conductores detrás de estos accidentes fatales son adultos jóvenes de entre 20 y 29 años. Es importante conocer algunas de las principales causas de conducción distraída. Siga leyendo para obtener más información y descubrir cómo un abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Beverly Hills puede ayudarlo a buscar una compensación justa por sus lesiones. Uso de Celulares El teléfono móvil es una de las principales causas de conducir distraído, y el Consejo Nacional de Seguridad estima que causa el 26 por ciento de todos los accidentes automovilísticos. Su naturaleza distractora es tan significativa que las investigaciones revelan que incluso el uso de un teléfono móvil con manos libres todavía causa reacciones tardías similares a las…
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Lesiones de Espalda por Accidentes Automovilísticos

Lesiones de Espalda por Accidentes Automovilísticos

Auto Accident
Los accidentes automovilísticos en los Estados Unidos causan diferentes formas de lesiones en la espalda, muchas veces, esto es porque la espalda absorbe una presión y fuerza significativas durante los accidentes de alto impacto. Estas lesiones necesitan atención médica inmediata para ayudar a mejorar el pronóstico y prevenir complicaciones. Si necesita tratamiento para una lesión en la espalda después de un accidente, un abogado de accidentes automovilísticos de Beverly Hills podría ayudarle a buscar una compensación por sus lesiones de las partes negligentes. Lesiones de la Columna Lumbar Las lesiones en la espalda pueden desestabilizar su columna. Esto puede limitar su movilidad, causar inflamación y hematomas, y afectar gravemente su capacidad para trabajar o realizar tareas cotidianas habituales. Lesiones de Espalda Superior Los accidentes automovilísticos causan un gran porcentaje de…
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Más Compras en Línea Significan Más Accidentes de Camiones

Más Compras en Línea Significan Más Accidentes de Camiones

Auto Accident
Entre nuestras vidas ocupadas y los cambios que experimentamos durante la pandemia, se ha vuelto conveniente comprar más de la mitad de nuestros productos en línea, reduciendo el tráfico de personas en tiendas minoristas y centros comerciales. Sin embargo, esta conveniencia también abre una puerta para un mayor número de camiones en la carretera porque los minoristas en línea necesitan camiones para entregar los pedidos. Más camiones comerciales que circulan por todo el país significan un aumento en los accidentes de camiones y por lo tanto las lesiones que resultan de los mismos. Cualquiera que haya sufrido lesiones en un accidente de camión debe saber cómo un Abogado de Accidentes de Camión de Beverly Hills puede ayudarlo a proteger sus derechos. Aumento de Camiones de Reparto Significa Más Accidentes Potenciales…
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What Distractions Cause Car Crashes?

What Distractions Cause Car Crashes?

Auto Accident
Did you know that distracted driving kills eight Americans daily? Moreover, a quarter of drivers behind these fatal accidents are young adults between ages 20 and 29. It is important to know some of the leading causes of distracted driving. Read on to learn more and discover how a Beverly Hills car accident attorney can help you seek fair compensation for your injuries. Mobile Phone Usage The mobile phone is one of the leading causes of distracted driving, and the National Safety Council approximates that it causes 26 percent of all car accidents. Its distracting nature is so significant that research reveals that even using a mobile phone hands-free still causes delayed reactions similar to a person with an 0.08% blood alcohol level. Eating or Drinking Eating and drinking while…
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Back Injuries from Car Crashes

Back Injuries from Car Crashes

Auto Accident
Car accidents in the United States cause different forms of back injuries, often because the back absorbs significant pressure and force during high-impact accidents. These injuries need immediate medical attention to help improve prognosis and prevent complications. If you needed treatment for a back injury after a crash, a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer could help you seek compensation for your injuries from any negligent parties. Lumbar Spine Injuries Injuries to your back can destabilize your spine. This can limit your mobility, cause inflammation and bruising, and grossly affect your ability to work or perform regular life duties. Upper Back Injuries Car accidents cause a large percentage of upper back injuries each year. These injuries can involve the spinal cord, muscles, joints, or other soft tissue of the back, and…
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The Dangers of Speeding

The Dangers of Speeding

Auto Accident
Speeding endangers others on the road, which is clear when you learn that speeding claimed 9,378 lives in 2018 alone. Yes, we live in a busy society where most people live in the fast lane, and everyone seems to be rushing to achieve their goals. But the need to be in a constant hurry should not put others at risk. This is why the government sets speed limits to benefit every motorist. It’s also worth noting that speeding has been involved in a significant amount of all vehicle deaths - in 2018 alone, speeding caused 26% of all traffic deaths. If a speeding driver hurts you, learn how an experienced Beverly Hills car accident lawyer can help you with your car accident case. Speeding Affects Car Crash Severity Speeding can…
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More Online Shopping Means More Truck Accidents

More Online Shopping Means More Truck Accidents

Truck Accident
Between our busy lives and the changes we experienced during the pandemic, it has become convenient to buy over half our goods online, reducing human traffic in retail stores and shopping malls. However, this convenience also opens a door for increased trucks on the road because online retailers need trucks to deliver orders. More commercial trucks driving across the country mean an increase in trucking accidents and resulting injuries. Anyone who sustained injuries in a truck crash should learn how a Beverly Hills truck accident lawyer can help you protect your rights. Increased Delivery Trucks Means More Potential Accidents COVID-19 forced millions of Americans to avoid crowded supermarkets and shopping malls. The virus greatly accelerated online transactions to unprecedented proportions. For instance, the overall online spending in May 2020 hit…
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What Happens in a Rollover Truck Accident?

What Happens in a Rollover Truck Accident?

Truck Accident
Did you know that truck accidents killed 4,119 Americans in 2019? Moreover, 16% of these preventable deaths were truck occupants, 67% were other car occupants, while 15% were pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists. Some of these deadly truck accidents involved a truck rolling over. Mostly, rollover truck accidents happen when trucks suddenly turn or change direction. The trucks end up on one side of their trailers following such an accident. These accidents regularly result in chain-reaction crashes that cause many people to suffer injuries. If you sustained injuries in a truck crash, speak with a Beverly Hills truck accident attorney today. Contributing Factors to Rollovers Different factors cause trucks to roll over, including: Aggressive and reckless drivingDistracted drivingSpeedingLow tire pressurePoor braking systems or conditionsPoor loadingFatigued drivers who fall asleep or doze…
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Truck Drivers Often Drive Too Fast in the Rain

Truck Drivers Often Drive Too Fast in the Rain

Truck Accident
Often, water mixes with oil on the road when it starts raining, making it slippery and dangerous for driving. This is also only one of the many ways in which rainy conditions can make driving risky for truckers. For instance, it impairs safe driving by minimizing a driver’s visibility, reducing traction, and reducing a driver’s ability to stop. There are many dangers of truck drivers speeding in the rain, and a Beverly Hills truck accident attorney can help protect your rights if you sustain injuries for this reason. Dangers of Speeding in the Rain Some of the primary risks of trucks speeding in the rain include: Reduced Traction - Rain makes even the most stable road conditions slippery. Thus, driving too fast in these conditions means a driver might lose…
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