Causes of Head-On Collisions

Causes of Head-On Collisions

Auto Accident
Of all the types of collisions that might happen on the road, head-on collisions are some of the most dangerous and terrifying. Even if a head-on collision is not fatal, victims can still face a long road to recovery from life-changing injuries. It’s important to recognize what caused your head-on crash so that you can hold the right parties liable for your losses. This is rarely an easy task, but a car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills can help. The following are some common causes of head-on collisions: Drunk driving - Drunk drivers are notorious for making wrong turns, including driving the wrong way down a one-way road or highway. This can be disastrous when the drunk driver crashes head-on with a car traveling the proper direction. Falling asleep at…
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The Importance of Substantial Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

The Importance of Substantial Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Auto Accident
When another driver crashes into your vehicle, that driver’s auto insurance coverage should kick in and reimburse you for your medical bills, property damages, and other losses. California law requires drivers to carry liability insurance at all times to make sure that accident victims can receive the compensation they deserve. However, many drivers decide to let their insurance lapse, and they do not have the coverage needed to compensate accident victims. In addition, some people flee the scene of an accident, and you might never identify the driver to know which insurance coverage is applicable. To protect yourself in the event you are in a hit and run, or in a crash with a driver with inadequate insurance, it is essential to have uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage as part of…
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Were You Injured by a Drunk Driver?

Were You Injured by a Drunk Driver?

Auto Accident
Many people enjoy having a few drinks with family and friends, especially to celebrate special occasions. With Labor Day approaching, you can expect that people across Southern California will be indulging in some alcoholic beverages at some point during the long weekend. Unfortunately, you can also expect that some of those people will be getting behind the wheel of their cars after drinking. Drunk driving accidents increase over holidays, but they can happen at any time. If you believe a drunk driver hit you, it’s important to seek help from a car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills as soon as possible. Proving Drunk Driving If a driver causes a crash while intoxicated, they should be held fully accountable for their actions. This does not just mean facing criminal penalties for…
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Health Risks of Mold Exposure

Health Risks of Mold Exposure

Personal Injury
Mold exists in many homes and buildings throughout the Beverly Hills area. However, when a mold colony grows, it can present a health risk for people who are regularly exposed to the mold. While you might not know the mold is there, you can certainly still feel the effects on your health. If you believe you were sick and needed medical treatment due to mold exposure by a property or business owner, you should speak with a mold lawyer in Beverly Hills right away. Some people are not as sensitive to mold, and they might not feel any adverse health effects. Others have greater sensitivity to mold or preexisting health conditions that exacerbate the effects of mold. These individuals might experience: CongestionEye irritationSkin irritationWheezing and difficulty breathingAsthmaCoughingOther upper respiratory conditions…
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The Dangers of Aggressive Drivers

The Dangers of Aggressive Drivers

Auto Accident
We have all become impatient behind the wheel - whether we are running late, hit unexpected traffic, or became stuck behind a slow or hesitant driver. While impatience is natural at times, it is important that we not let these emotions lead to dangerous driving. There are drivers out there who let impatience escalate into aggression, which puts everyone else at risk. If you were injured by an aggressive driver, do not hesitate to speak with a car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills about your rights. Aggressive Driving Behaviors Aggressive drivers each have their own way of taking their emotions out on others on the road, though all aggressive driving behaviors have one thing in common - they can lead to serious crashes and injuries to others. Some dangerous aggressive…
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With Road Trips on the Rise, Accidents and Injuries Might Increase

With Road Trips on the Rise, Accidents and Injuries Might Increase

Auto Accident
2020 is becoming the year of the road trip for many families, as flights and overseas vacations are canceled due to the pandemic. Road trips allow families to see large parts of the country and enjoy quality time, though with many more vacationers on the road this year, there are additional risks of accidents and injuries, as well. If you are injured, contact a personal injury lawyer in Beverly Hills for assistance right away. RVs and Motorhomes Many families are choosing to buy or rent RVs or motorhomes for their summer vacations. When an inexperienced driver gets behind the wheel of these large vehicles, however, it can be a risky situation. These vehicles are difficult to maneuver, have extensive blind spots, and are highly prone to rollover accidents. All of…
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What Caused Your Boat Crash?

What Caused Your Boat Crash?

Boat Accident
Spending time on a boat has been a peaceful and fun relief from the stresses of 2020. Many people in California take out their own boats or rent a boat to spend the day on the water. Either way, it is always important to remember that boat crashes happen on a regular basis, and they can cause life-changing or even fatal injuries. If you or someone in your family suffered injuries, you should not wait to speak with a boating accident lawyer in Beverly Hills right away. Causes of Boat Crashes Many boat accidents happen because someone else was negligent in some manner. When this is the case, injured victims have the right to seek compensation for their losses from the negligent party or parties. This is why it is…
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Were You Injured in a Delivery Truck Accident?

Were You Injured in a Delivery Truck Accident?

Truck Accident
While many people shopped online prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, online orders surged as retail stores shut down, or people avoided going in public as much as possible. This means that while there might be fewer cars on the roads, there are certainly more delivery trucks right in our own neighborhoods. While we rely on delivery drivers to get packages to our doors, they can also cause serious accidents and injuries. Delivery vehicles come in different shapes and sizes, such as box trucks, articulated trucks, or even large vans. They all have one thing in common, however - they can be more difficult to maneuver in residential areas than smaller passenger vehicles. Delivery trucks have certain risks, including: Needing more room for turnsNeeding more time to slow down or stopHigher…
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Possible Wrongful Death Claims from COVID-19

Possible Wrongful Death Claims from COVID-19

Wrongful death
The extent of legal claims that might result from the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis is unknown, though many people might have a right to take legal action for various reasons. If you lost a close family member who contracted the novel coronavirus, and you believe another party was to blame, you might have the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit. It is true that not every death stemming from COVID-19 will be legally actionable. However, some people contracted the virus due to the negligence of others, or they did not receive the testing or treatment they needed to survive the virus. Some examples of wrongful death claims that have been filed already are as follows: Against a nursing home - Nursing homes have been particularly high-risk facilities for COVID-19…
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Car Accidents Can Still Happen during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Car Accidents Can Still Happen during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Auto Accident
In recent weeks, most of our thoughts and concerns have been consumed by the COVID-19 threats in California, across the United States, and across the world. However, the spread of the coronavirus does not negate the chances of other types of medical issues arising. Car accidents can still occur during a pandemic, and they can still result in serious injuries. Even with strict stay-at-home orders in California, many people are considered to be essential employees and need to go to work on a regular basis. Other people still need to buy groceries, visit the pharmacy, or attend medical appointments for other issues. In addition, commercial drivers are still working to keep our stores stocked and deliver packages to our homes. Many people are still delivering food, so others do not…
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