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More Online Shopping Means More Truck Accidents

More Online Shopping Means More Truck Accidents

Truck Accident
Between our busy lives and the changes we experienced during the pandemic, it has become convenient to buy over half our goods online, reducing human traffic in retail stores and shopping malls. However, this convenience also opens a door for increased trucks on the road because online retailers need trucks to deliver orders. More commercial trucks driving across the country mean an increase in trucking accidents and resulting injuries. Anyone who sustained injuries in a truck crash should learn how a Beverly Hills truck accident lawyer can help you protect your rights. Increased Delivery Trucks Means More Potential Accidents COVID-19 forced millions of Americans to avoid crowded supermarkets and shopping malls. The virus greatly accelerated online transactions to unprecedented proportions. For instance, the overall online spending in May 2020 hit…
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What Happens in a Rollover Truck Accident?

What Happens in a Rollover Truck Accident?

Truck Accident
Did you know that truck accidents killed 4,119 Americans in 2019? Moreover, 16% of these preventable deaths were truck occupants, 67% were other car occupants, while 15% were pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists. Some of these deadly truck accidents involved a truck rolling over. Mostly, rollover truck accidents happen when trucks suddenly turn or change direction. The trucks end up on one side of their trailers following such an accident. These accidents regularly result in chain-reaction crashes that cause many people to suffer injuries. If you sustained injuries in a truck crash, speak with a Beverly Hills truck accident attorney today. Contributing Factors to Rollovers Different factors cause trucks to roll over, including: Aggressive and reckless drivingDistracted drivingSpeedingLow tire pressurePoor braking systems or conditionsPoor loadingFatigued drivers who fall asleep or doze…
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Truck Drivers Often Drive Too Fast in the Rain

Truck Drivers Often Drive Too Fast in the Rain

Truck Accident
Often, water mixes with oil on the road when it starts raining, making it slippery and dangerous for driving. This is also only one of the many ways in which rainy conditions can make driving risky for truckers. For instance, it impairs safe driving by minimizing a driver’s visibility, reducing traction, and reducing a driver’s ability to stop. There are many dangers of truck drivers speeding in the rain, and a Beverly Hills truck accident attorney can help protect your rights if you sustain injuries for this reason. Dangers of Speeding in the Rain Some of the primary risks of trucks speeding in the rain include: Reduced Traction - Rain makes even the most stable road conditions slippery. Thus, driving too fast in these conditions means a driver might lose…
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Common Injuries to Bus Passengers

Common Injuries to Bus Passengers

Bus Accident
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) estimates that 73 fatal school bus accidents and 13 city bus accidents occurred in 2017. Additionally, data approximates that 63,000 buses get involved in accidents yearly, causing 14,000 non-fatal injuries. Below are some examples of common bus accident injuries that passengers sustain, and why you need a Beverly Hills bus accident lawyer to help you stand up for your rights after crash-related injuries. Common Bus Accident Injuries Bus accident survivors can escape with different types of injuries, such as: Broken Bones - These injuries can range from simple to complicated fractures requiring different degrees of medical care. Some bone fractures can be severe enough to need surgery or cause permanent disabilities. Lacerations - Glass often breaks when buses crash and can seriously cut passengers.…
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Dangerous Errors By School Bus Drivers

Dangerous Errors By School Bus Drivers

Bus Accident
Although school buses carry some of the most vulnerable passengers, some drivers still don’t pay special attention to their jobs. Due to such carelessness, 109 people died in 2019. Moreover, stats reveal that approximately 69% of the deaths in school bus-related accidents involved other vehicles’ occupants. Another 17% of the deaths involved pedestrians, 6% were school passengers, and 5% were bus drivers. If you or your child suffered injuries in a school bus crash, you want the help of an experienced Beverly Hills bus accident lawyer when it comes time to seek the compensation you deserve. Distracted Driving Like any type of driver, bus drivers can be dangerously distracted while behind the wheel. Such distractions delay reaction times, often causing them to crash into obstacles they otherwise could have avoided. Distraction…
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Motorcycle Crashes Can be Deadly

Motorcycle Crashes Can be Deadly

Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle crashes killed 5,014 motorcyclists in 2019, only a slight decrease from 5,038 the previous year. Additionally, motorcyclists were approximately 29 times more likely than car passengers to die in an accident per vehicle mile covered. Below we discuss some reasons why these fatalities happen to motorcyclists, and why you call a Beverly Hills wrongful death attorney who can help you and your family. Causes of Motorcycle Crashes The following factors cause motorcycle crashes and deaths, among others: Vehicles Making Left-Hand Turns - Vehicles making left-hand turns threaten motorcyclists who might be in the path of the turning car. These collisions cause a significant number of crashes between motorcycles and cars. Head-On Collisions - Head-on collisions involving motorcycles and other vehicles constitute about half of all motorcyclist deaths, especially since…
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What Types of Accidents are Often Fatal?

What Types of Accidents are Often Fatal?

Auto Accident
All traffic accidents have the potential to be fatal, although some carry higher fatality risks than others. Below are four types of road accidents with the highest fatality rates. If you tragically lost a loved one in any type of crash, don’t hesitate to contact a Beverly Hills wrongful death attorney for help. The right lawyer can protect your rights and seek the justice and recovery you deserve following a wrongful death from a crash. 1.    Rollover Crashes Rollover crashes usually involve high-profile vehicles, although smaller ones can also roll over. NHTSA data indicates that 85% of all rollover-related casualties result from single-vehicle accidents, and different factors can lead to these rollovers. For instance, speeding, making sharp turns, driving under the influence, and poor road conditions can cause vehicles to…
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Signs that You Might Have a Brain Injury

Signs that You Might Have a Brain Injury

Personal Injury, Uncategorized
Violent blows or jolts to the head can cause traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Also, objects that pierce the skull and damage brain tissues can cause these injuries. Brain injuries vary from mild to severe. Mild injuries temporarily affect the brain cells, while severe ones cause bleeding, bruising, and tearing of delicate tissue. Severe brain injuries can be life-threatening and cause lifelong impairments. Moreover, brain injury symptoms vary depending on the injury’s severity. The signs can be mental, behavioral, or physical. If someone else caused you this challenging and complex injury, you should speak with a Beverly Hills brain injury attorney about your rights. Physical Symptoms A person with a brain injury manifests different physical symptoms. Here are the leading ones. Lost consciousness that could last several minutes or indefinitelyPersistent headaches…
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Common Causes of Brain Injuries in California

Common Causes of Brain Injuries in California

Personal Injury
A report from the National Conference of State Legislatures revealed that some 2.8 million new brain injuries are recorded annually. These cases produce the following each year: 5 million emergency room visits282,000 hospital admissions50,000 deaths But what causes these brain injuries in California? Below are some common causes and how a Beverly Hills brain injury attorney can help you file a claim for possible compensation. Medical Malpractice Medical negligence can cause brain injuries. For instance, birth injuries, anesthesia errors, and surgical mistakes can injure a patient’s brain. These cases happen often, though medical institutions hardly accept liability unless a victim has an experienced attorney. Motor Vehicle Accidents Vehicle accidents are the second-leading cause of brain injuries. These accidents include high-impact collisions like head-on crashes or even seemingly minor rear-end collisions.…
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How a Wrongful Death Can Impact Your Family

How a Wrongful Death Can Impact Your Family

Wrongful death
Wrongful death refers to an accident that kills an innocent victim due to another person’s negligence. These deaths are prevalent in the U.S., with 130,557 accidental deaths occurring in one year alone. These figures translate to 41.3 deaths per 100,000 persons in the country. Many of these deaths leave families that are devastated and experiencing various forms of loss. Below, we discuss how these deaths affect families and the losses they incur. If you have been affected by a tragic loss, don’t hesitate to hire a Beverly Hills wrongful death attorney to help you fight for compensation. Emotional Loss Most deaths cause emotional loss and pain to families. It can be even worse when the loved one’s death was preventable had someone acted responsibly. They can lose the support, companionship,…
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