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Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Auto Accident
What you do in the wake of a car accident could impact whether you receive financial compensation. Even though you are injured, it is important to take quick action to help your legal case. Get Medical Help The first thing to do is to take care of your own health. First, you need to have your injuries completely diagnosed and treated so you can recover. You also need to do this for the claims process. The insurance company needs a full diagnosis to know the extent of your injuries. You would need to submit medical records as supporting documentation for your demand. Contact a Lawyer You already have plenty on your plate after an accident. It goes without saying that you are stretched and stressed. You do not have to…
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How Truck Crash Investigations Work

How Truck Crash Investigations Work

Truck Accident
When you are seeking compensation for your truck accident, you must prove your claims with evidence. Otherwise, it could be your word against the truck driver’s. In many cases, the victim is so badly hurt that they cannot even speak for themselves. Preserving Evidence The most important step is collecting and preserving evidence for the investigation. Trucking companies may not keep evidence, especially if they know that it could prove them liable. An attorney could act immediately to send a letter directing the trucking company to keep evidence. This also includes gathering photos and evidence of the truck accident scene. One of the most important pieces of evidence is the truck’s black box. You must move fast because trucking companies must only keep it for a certain period of time.…
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Causes of Highway Car Accidents

Causes of Highway Car Accidents

Auto Accident
Many people think that highways are safer than city streets because there are fewer risk factors. This is not entirely true as highways have their own risks. Here are some causes of highway accidents. Distracted Driving When motorists are on highways, they may be on long commutes or trips. As dangerous as it is, they feel like they could do other things behind the wheel, such as eating or texting. When the car is traveling at a high speed, it compounds the dangers of distracted driving. In just a few seconds, a car can travel the length of a football field, and distracted driving costs a motorist the valuable time that they need to brake. Fatigued Driving Drivers are often doing long stretches behind the wheel on the highway. When…
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Whiplash from Rear-End Crashes

Whiplash from Rear-End Crashes

Auto Accident
Whiplash is one of the most common accidents associated with rear-end car accident injuries. Because it happens so frequently, people tend to underestimate its seriousness. Whiplash can lead to serious long-term injuries that could require extensive rehabilitation. The cause of whiplash is your head snapping forward as a result of the impact. When you are hit from behind, the force of the crash causes your body to move. It is your head that will move the most forcefully. Whiplash can cause a number of injuries. In the best-case scenario, your whiplash was minor, and rest and rehabilitation can get you back to normal in a few weeks. However, some cases of whiplash are much more serious. Whiplash Could Cause Traumatic Brain Injuries One of the worst effects of whiplash is…
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Sleep Disorders Lead to Truck Driver Fatigue

Sleep Disorders Lead to Truck Driver Fatigue

Truck Accident
Trucking is already difficult for drivers’ sleep rhythms. Many try to do their driving at night to take advantage of lesser traffic. While they must follow federal rest regulations, it does not always ensure the sleep that operators need to stay rested. Fatigue is already an issue for many drivers. When a driver has a sleep disorder, it worsens their fatigue. Drivers must take ten hours off after driving no more than 11 out of 14 hours. They must spend at least seven of these hours in the sleeper berth of their truck. Presumably, they would be sleeping, so they are well-rested at the start of the next shift. When drivers have difficulty sleeping or get bad sleep, they will start the next shift tired. Drowsy Driving Can Be Fatal…
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Mistakes by Bus Companies that Lead to Accidents

Mistakes by Bus Companies that Lead to Accidents

Personal Injury
While bus accidents are not common, many lead to severe injuries when they do occur. There are news reports of mass casualty bus accidents, especially when the vehicle overturns. Oftentimes, the bus company is to blame for the accident through their negligence. Here are some mistakes that bus companies make that injure passengers. Negligent Hiring The bus driver has the lives of the passengers in their hands. You would think that bus companies would be extremely careful about whom they choose to drive. Oftentimes, the bus company will put inexperienced or poorly trained drivers on the road. The company may not even closely check the operator’s driving record or criminal history before giving them the keys. Negligent Driving Bus drivers may be under pressure for an on-time arrival. The bus…
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Injuries from Bus Crashes

Injuries from Bus Crashes

Personal Injury
While bus crashes are rare, passengers often suffer serious injuries. They are not wearing seatbelts, and they are thrown around in the bus. The resulting trauma could cause death or significant injuries. Buses are large and heavy, and the force of the crash is greater than that of a passenger vehicle. Their centers of gravity mean that they could overturn in an accident. Those are the accidents that usually have mass fatalities. Head and Neck Injuries Are the Most Severe The most severe injuries from bus crashes are when there is head and neck trauma. Without any kind of restraint, passengers are thrown from their seats. Their head may hit the seat in front of them or another object in the vicinity. This could cause a traumatic brain injury. In…
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Who Can File for Wrongful Death?

Who Can File for Wrongful Death?

Wrongful death
Who Can File for Wrongful Death? A wrongful death lawsuit allows the family to recover damages, both for what their loved one experienced before death and the losses from not having the decedent around. Here is who can file a wrongful death lawsuit. The basic law in California is that family members or the estate can sue for wrongful death. The question is how far the definition of “family” stretches and whether there is a hierarchy of plaintiffs. What California Law Says About Wrongful Death The state’s law is set forth in the California Code of Civil Procedure 377.60. The following people have the standing to file a wrongful death lawsuit: Surviving spouseDomestic partnersChildrenGrandchildrenAnyone else who would be entitled to the deceased’s property This does not mean that everyone could…
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How a Wrongful Death Claim Works in California

How a Wrongful Death Claim Works in California

Wrongful death
After losing your loved one to someone else’s negligence, your family is entitled to financial compensation. First, you have to file a wrongful death claim. Here are some steps in the process. After you hire a wrongful death attorney, you will need to figure out who files the lawsuit. California law gives the list of family members who can file a claim. You can only file one lawsuit, but all eligible family members can join the case. Then, you should consider whether the estate should file a survival action for what the deceased person went through before their death. What Wrongful Death Damages Can Include Before filing the wrongful death claim, you should properly value the possible damages in the case. Wrongful death damages could include: Loss of earnings that…
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How a Brain Injury Can Affect Your Career

How a Brain Injury Can Affect Your Career

Personal Injury
One of the common elements of accident-related damage is lost wages. You can also be paid when an accident injury cuts your ability to earn money. One common injury that does this is a brain injury (TBI). Here is how a TBI could harm your career. Concentration A TBI could impact your ability to concentrate. In any profession, you need to be able to think about what you are doing.  You may also not be able to think when you are subject to stress because your brain injury overloads you. Your ability to think could suffer depending on where your brain was damaged. Irritability TBIs also cause people to become irritable. Oftentimes, they cannot process emotions in the same way as others. In a work setting, it could mean that…
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