2 Important Car Accident Statistics You Should Know

2 Important Car Accident Statistics You Should Know

Auto Accident
Car accidents happen, and the statistics back up the fact that they’re often caused by driver negligence. If you’ve been harmed by another motorist’s dangerous driving practices, do yourself and your claim a favor by consulting with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney as soon after the injury-causing accident as you can. One: The First Half of 2021 Was Exceptionally Dangerous The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) predicts (as of May 2022) that the first half of 2021 will show a 10.5 percent increase in the number of traffic fatalities over the first half of 2020. The numbers are 42,915 deaths in 2021 and 38,824 deaths in 2020. This is the highest number of traffic deaths since 2005 and represents the largest percentage boost in the history of…
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Excess Speed Is a Deadly Driving Practice

Excess Speed Is a Deadly Driving Practice

Auto Accident
Of all the dangerous driving practices out there – and there are plenty – excess speed is the deadliest of all. The statistics routinely find that speed kills, and motorists who fail to maintain safe speeds put everyone on our roadways at increased risk. If you’ve been harmed by a speeding motorist, reach out to an experienced Beverly Hills car accident lawyer today. The Sobering Statistics The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shares all the following speed-related statistics: In 2020 alone, 11,258 people were killed by speeding motorists. For more than 20 years, excess speed has played a role in about one out of every three fatal traffic accidents. In 2020, excess speed featured in 29 percent of all fatal traffic accidents. Excess speed is exceptionally dangerous and often…
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Teen Drivers Cause More Summer Crashes

Teen Drivers Cause More Summer Crashes

Auto Accident
If you know anything about teenagers, it likely comes as no surprise that teens, cars, and summer often spell trouble, and the statistics bear this out. If you or someone you love is injured by the negligence of a teen driver this summer, turn to an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney for the professional legal counsel you are looking for. The Statistics The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reports on exactly how dangerous teen drivers – especially in the summer months – can be. Consider the following: Teenage motorists drive fewer miles than any other age group (other than the oldest drivers), but their crash rates (including their fatal crash rates) belie this fact. Teenagers (aged 16 to 19) experience a per-miles-driven fatal crash rate that is almost…
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In-Car Systems Are Also Distracting

In-Car Systems Are Also Distracting

Auto Accident
While in-car information systems help to ensure that drivers don’t need to take their hands off the wheel when making calls and implementing their GPSs, statistics demonstrate that this hasn’t panned out in terms of safety. All too often, those in-car screens prove distracting, which is a dangerous form of driver negligence that is far too common. If a motorist who is distracted by his or her in-car information system – or anything else – leaves you injured, discuss your claim with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney. According to AAA Research shared by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that in-car screen systems that are designed to share information with drivers in hands-free mode too often steal their attention for dangerously long stretches. When engaging in complicated…
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Why Tourists Get into Car Accidents in Beverly Hills

Why Tourists Get into Car Accidents in Beverly Hills

Auto Accident
While Beverly Hills is a small city that spans less than 6 square miles (compared to Los Angeles’s footprint of 503 square miles), it sees more than its fair share of car accidents, and tourists play a primary role in this risk factor. If you or someone you love has been injured by another driver’s negligence, it’s time to consult with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident lawyer. The Statistics According to Beverly Hills Magazine (relying on statistics culled from UC Berkeley’s Transportation Injury Mapping Systems), Beverly Hills averaged about 400 traffic crashes per square mile from 2015 to 2020, while Los Angeles averaged about 232 per square mile. Tourism is considered an important piece of this puzzle. Instagram Driven Nestled near both Hollywood and Los Angeles, Beverly Hills attracts…
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Red Light Collisions

Red Light Collisions

Auto Accident
Statistically, intersections are some of the most dangerous spots on our roadways, and motorists who fail to obey the traffic lights in these intersections often cause dangerous car accidents. If a motorist’s failure to stop at a red light leaves you or someone you love injured, consulting with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney is well-advised. When Motorists Run Red Lights The Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) reports on exactly how dangerous it is when motorists run red lights. Consider the following: Every year, tens of thousands of people are injured by motorists who run red lights. In 2020 alone, 928 people were killed in accidents caused by motorists who failed to stop for red lights. In 2020 alone, almost 116,000 people were injured by motorists who failed…
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Can We Rely on Driverless Cars to Be Safe?

Can We Rely on Driverless Cars to Be Safe?

Auto Accident
According to Kelley Blue Book, truly driverless cars remain theoretical. Further, there are no cars currently on our roads in which the drivers can even remove their hands from the wheel – except under exacting conditions. This makes the question of “are these vehicles safe” challenging to answer. Let’s take a closer look. Categorizing Driverless Cars Self-driving cars are divided into two groups that include driver support and autonomous systems. Systems that offer driver support take some of the load off the driver, and examples include: Assistance with lane-keepingAdaptive (or intelligent) cruise controlHands-free capabilities Autonomous systems, on the other hand, don’t require a driver’s assistance. There are no vehicles on our roads that are truly autonomous, but there is a rideshare project in the beginning stages. Levels of Autonomy There…
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How Much Does a Car Accident Injury Cost?

How Much Does a Car Accident Injury Cost?

Auto Accident
While it is impossible to say exactly how much your car accident injury will ultimately cost, it is not a stretch to say that you can expect your losses to be considerable (even for a relatively minor accident). If you find yourself in the difficult situation of having been injured by another driver’s negligence, the best path forward is with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney in your corner. Your Car Accident  The California Office of Traffic Safety reports that traffic fatalities in the state decreased by about 5 percent in 2019 (over 2018), but that the overall number remains high (3,606). In California, you can seek compensation for the covered losses (or legal damages) that you incur as a result of another driver’s negligence in four basic categories.…
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Uninsured Drivers in California

Uninsured Drivers in California

Auto Accident
If you are injured by another driver’s negligence, you turn to that driver’s insurance provider to cover the losses you incur. If that driver doesn’t carry the car insurance he or she is required to, it leaves you in a difficult position, but an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney can help. Uninsured Motorists Are Out There  According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), the following uninsured motorist statistics apply: 12.6 percent of motorists in 2019 did not carry car insurance. This was after an all-time high of 13.1 percent in 2017. The State of California ranked in the top ten states with the highest estimated percentage of uninsured motorists in 2019 (in the tenth spot). If the Driver Who Leaves You Injured Isn’t Covered  If the driver who causes…
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Injuries to Passengers in Car Crashes

Injuries to Passengers in Car Crashes

Auto Accident
Car accidents not only put drivers at risk – but car passengers are also exceptionally vulnerable to the impact of car crashes. If you were injured as a passenger in a car accident, the path forward is likely to be challenging, and consulting with an experienced car accident attorney in Beverly Hills is in your best interest. If You Were a Passenger  Passengers very rarely bear any fault in car accidents, which means that you – as an injured passenger – can seek compensation for the physical, financial, and emotional losses you suffered as a result of the at-fault driver’s negligence. This is true if the negligent driver was at the wheel of the car you were in or at the wheel of the other vehicle. Your Level of Risk…
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