Auto Accident
Head-on collisions are among the most dangerous motor vehicle accidents. In many instances, victims sustain extremely serious injuries. Head-on collisions do not occur in the absence of negligence by at least one driver, which means that injured victims can typically recover compensation. If you have been involved in any type of accident, you should contact our office today to speak with a Beverly Hills car accident attorney. Most Common Causes Of Head-On Collisions The underlying causes of head-on collisions are similar to other car accidents. Here are the leading reasons for these wrecks: Distracted driving: Talking on a cell phone and texting are some of the most dangerous distracted driving practices that drivers engage in on California's streets and highways. Eating and drinking, looking at a text, putting on makeup,…
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Auto Accident
It is always concerning to get into an automobile accident, no matter where it happens. Even accidents that occur at low speed can cause severe injuries under certain conditions. When accidents occur at highway speeds, the outcomes can be catastrophic. Anyone injured in a highway crash should contact a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Why Highway Crashes Are So Dangerous Highway accidents are among the most dangerous accidents one can be involved in. In California, they are particularly problematic with the high traffic volume on the highways and the dangerous speeds involved. For example, in 2016, there were over 6,500 fatal motor vehicle collisions in California. This is the second-highest state total in the country; only Texas had more. Nearly 39 percent of these fatal collisions…
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Auto Accident
California law requires anyone involved in an accident that causes injury to call the police. This mandatory obligation to call the police is not just a mere formality without any purpose; it is meant to ensure the resolution of any controversies over the accident to benefit the victims. The police can assist victims of a car accident in numerous ways, as will be detailed below. How The Police Help The police are often the first people on an accident scene. When they arrive, they can evaluate whether medical treatment is required for any of the injured passengers. In addition, they can make sure that the parties to the accident are civil and exchange information. For liability purposes, the police play a crucial role in assisting those involved in a car…
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Auto Accident
In the smartphone era, distracted driving is a more prevalent problem than ever. The use of phones and other electronic devices while driving has become a common threat to the safety of drivers in Beverly Hills. Distracted driving can also involve anything that takes a driver's attention from the road. For example, looking at a billboard, changing the radio station, or attending to children are all forms of distracted driving. Regardless of the causes, distracted driving puts everyone on the road at risk. Impacts of Distracted Driving In Beverly Hills & California In California, there are laws that prohibit texting while driving and other acts that lead to distracted driving. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, in 2019, California saw 3,142 people lose their lives to fatal car…
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Auto Accident
When you get into a car accident, there are certain steps that you should take. You get out, inspect the damages, call the police, and share insurance information. These steps ensure that the at-fault driver can be held accountable and all insurance information and other necessary information to determine fault and liability in the accident is easily ascertainable. Unfortunately, sometimes drivers get into accidents and leave the scene. This situation is often referred to as a hit and run. If you have been involved in a hit and run accident, you should contact a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer as soon as you can. Steps to Take after a Hit and Run The aftermath of a hit-and-run accident can be a confusing time. You may be wondering how you can…
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Auto Accident
California sees a lot of car accidents on its busy roadways. When you get into a car crash, the immediate concern is the injuries that one can sustain in such a traumatic and dangerous incident. When cars get in collisions, there is always a risk that people will sustain serious injuries. These injuries can range from mild to severe, and many victims require emergency medical attention. This means that if you're in a car accident, your injuries may require immediate medical attention and potentially emergency surgery. Common Injuries Requiring Surgery There are many types of injuries you can sustain from a car accident that can lead to surgery. Five of the most common include: Head and Brain InjurySpinal Cord InjuryKnee InjuryFractures or Broken BonesInternal Organ Injury No matter what type…
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Common Injuries To Pedestrians

Common Injuries To Pedestrians

Auto Accident
Pedestrians are a high-risk class of people when it comes to being injured. The most common injuries to pedestrians occur when a motor vehicle collides with them in some way. Because pedestrians have zero protection from crashes, they can suffer multiple traumatic injuries in one incident. In a recent year, about 137,000 pedestrians sought medical care in emergency rooms nationwide following accidents. Some common injuries to pedestrians include: Lower body injuries - The hood of a car might collide with a pedestrian’s legs or knees, causing fractures, soft tissue damage, dislocations, and more. Spinal injury - If a pedestrian suffers back trauma, it can damage the spinal cord, potentially causing paralysis. Hip and pelvis injuries - Many pedestrians are knocked over by the force of a collision, and hitting the…
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Car Accidents & What You Need To Know

Car Accidents & What You Need To Know

Auto Accident
When you get in a car accident, it is a stressful situation. There are often two sides to the story as to who was at fault, and sometimes, liability can be difficult to determine. The stress, anxiety, shock, and confusion that follows a car accident - not to mention possible physical injuries - complicate your ability to calmly and effectively analyze the situation properly. For this reason, it is good to discuss the car accident claim process with a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer as soon as possible. A Car Accident Occurs, What Now? The priority after a car accident is getting medical treatment for your injuries. Whether you need an ambulance ride or can take yourself to a hospital, you should get a medical evaluation right away. Nearly 2…
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Hit By A Drunk Driver Over Spring Break?

Hit By A Drunk Driver Over Spring Break?

Auto Accident
Over spring break, many young college students and other tourists flock to California to get away from it all and enjoy a relaxing time in this great state. However, spring breakers also are known to engage in a lot of fraternization involving liquor consumption, which can lead to poor decision-making on their part. Some make the mistake of driving while intoxicated, which can present great risks for everyone in the area. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, you may become a victim to one of these spring break partiers who has made the poor decision to drink and drive.  Studies Show Spring Breakers Lead To Increased Risks to Drivers A study done by the University of Miami found that a spike in auto accidents occurs…
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Calcular los Costos Médicos de las Lesiones por Accidentes Automovilísticos

Calcular los Costos Médicos de las Lesiones por Accidentes Automovilísticos

Auto Accident
Cuando ha resultado lesionado en un accidente automovilístico, tiene derecho a los costos económicos completos de sus daños. Una de las partes principales de sus daños económicos son las facturas médicas. Debe tener una idea de sus gastos médicos futuros porque no puede regresar una segunda vez para obtener más dinero si recupera muy poco. El desafío es saber ahora exactamente qué atención médica necesitará en el futuro. Además, es posible que no tenga idea de cuánto costarán los servicios médicos dentro de unos años. Estas son tareas que su abogado deberá realizar antes de presentar su reclamo a la compañía de seguros. Su Abogado Valorará su Reclamo Todo comienza con un diagnóstico integral de sus lesiones. Luego, su abogado revisará el diagnóstico. Es posible que trabajen con expertos médicos…
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