Estadísticas de Accidentes Automovilísticos de California

Estadísticas de Accidentes Automovilísticos de California

Auto Accident
La Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) comparte una amplia gama de estadísticas de accidentes automovilísticos específicas del estado que pueden ayudar a los conductores a tener una mejor idea de cómo le está yendo a su estado en términos de seguridad vial. Si bien California, como el estado más poblado, generalmente no es el más peligroso, ciertamente puede necesitar algo de trabajo. Si otro conductor le causa lesiones en un accidente automovilístico, no espere para buscar la orientación legal profesional de un abogado con experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos de Beverly Hills. Como Califica California Las reveladoras estadísticas compartidas por IIHS incluyen: ● Hubo 35.766 accidentes de tráfico mortales en los Estados Unidos en 2020, y los estados con las tasas de mortalidad más alta y más baja por cada…
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Las Compañías de Seguros de Automóviles A Veces Cambian la Culpa

Las Compañías de Seguros de Automóviles A Veces Cambian la Culpa

Auto Accident
Si ha resultado lesionado en un accidente automovilístico, es posible que esté completamente perdido en relación con la obtención de la compensación a la que tiene derecho, y eso es comprensible. Es probable que experimente algún shock, y puede que sea todo lo que pueda hacer para atender su recuperación física. Sin embargo, es muy poco probable que confiar en la compañía de seguros involucrada para manejar su reclamo de manera justa le haga ningún favor. Si otro conductor lo deja lesionado, lo mejor para usted es tener de su lado a un abogado con experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos en Beverly Hills. Si La Compañía De Seguros Dice Que Usted Tiene La Culpa Las compañías de seguros son empresas que generan beneficios, lo que significa que están motivadas para mantener…
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Perdió Potencialmente Ingresos como Resultado de la Negligencia de Otro Conductor

Perdió Potencialmente Ingresos como Resultado de la Negligencia de Otro Conductor

Auto Accident
La negligencia de conductores, como manejar a exceso de velocidad, el deterioro y la distracción es rampante. Si ha resultado perjudicado por las prácticas de conducción peligrosas de otro conductor, reconocer sus pérdidas en términos de gastos médicos y salarios perdidos suele ser bastante sencillo, pero el asunto del potencial de ingresos perdido a menudo es más complicado. Si ha resultado perjudicado por la negligencia de otro conductor, no se demore en buscar la orientación legal profesional de un abogado con experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos de Beverly Hills. Identificación y Cálculo del Potencial De Ganancias Perdido El potencial de ingresos perdido se refiere a las pérdidas relacionadas con una trayectoria profesional frustrada a lo largo del tiempo. Por ejemplo, si sus lesiones lo dejan incapaz de competir activamente por un…
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Truck Blind Spots Are a Danger Zone

Truck Blind Spots Are a Danger Zone

Truck Accident
The number of semis on our roadways is growing, and these immense vehicles are responsible for some of the deadliest accidents out there. Truck drivers are responsible for navigating their rigs safely through traffic, including when they are changing lanes or leaving their lane of traffic, and when they fail to take their blind spots into careful consideration, it puts others on the road at a distinct safety disadvantage. If a truck driver’s negligence leaves you injured in a car accident, an experienced Beverly Hills truck accident attorney can help. Blind Spots The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reports that semi drivers experience huge blind spots that radiate out from their cabs on both sides and that also extend from their cabs’ fronts and rears. When a truck driver…
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Fatal Car Accidents Are on the Rise

Fatal Car Accidents Are on the Rise

Auto Accident
Car accidents tend to be caused by a wide range of dangerous driving practices and various forms of driver negligence, and statistics confirm that fatal car accidents are on the rise. If another driver’s negligence leaves you or someone you love injured in a car accident, seek the professional legal counsel of an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney today. The Fatal Car Accident Statistics The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports all the following sobering car accident statistics that speak to the recent spike in fatal car accidents: A projected estimate of 42,915 people lost their lives in car accidents in 2021. This is an increase of 10.5 percent over the number of fatalities in 2020. This increase represents the largest annual increase in the history of the…
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Car Insurance Companies Sometimes Shift Fault

Car Insurance Companies Sometimes Shift Fault

Auto Accident
If you have been injured in a car accident, you may be at an utter loss in relation to obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled, and that is understandable. You’re likely to be experiencing some shock, and it may be all you can do to attend to your physical recovery. Relying on the involved insurance company to handle your claim fairly, however, is very unlikely to do you any favors. If another driver leaves you injured, it’s in your best interest to have an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney on your side. If the Insurance Company Says You’re at Fault Insurance companies are profit-generating enterprises, which means they are motivated to keep their settlements as low as possible. While they have varied techniques at their disposal, insurance…
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When the At-Fault Driver Is Killed in the Crash

When the At-Fault Driver Is Killed in the Crash

Auto Accident
Car accidents are exceptionally dangerous events, and they often prove fatal. If the driver whose negligence causes the car accident that leaves you injured succumbs to their own injuries, it’s a tragic event that can leave you rattled and unsure of how best to proceed. If this is the difficult situation you find yourself in, turning to the professional legal counsel of an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney can help. Pursuing Just Compensation If the at-fault driver is fatally wounded, you may wonder if their insurance coverage still applies in relation to your losses, and the answer is that yes, it does. The driver was alive when the accident occurred, which ensures that the car insurance coverage they carried was in place. The losses you experience in a car…
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Pedestrians Beware

Pedestrians Beware

Personal Injury
Pedestrians are the most vulnerable victims of traffic accidents, and pedestrian accidents are on the rise. Making safety your top priority when you’re on foot is your only means of protection, and if you or someone you love is injured by someone else’s negligence in a pedestrian accident, it’s time to consult with an experienced Beverly Hills pedestrian accident attorney. Keeping Yourself Safe Out There The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) confirms that pedestrian fatalities were up a full 13 percent in 2021, which helps to shine a light on exactly how dangerous pedestrian accidents are. Driver negligence takes far too many life-threatening forms that include all the following: Excess speed, which allows motorist less time to react safely to pedestrians in their midst and makes any ensuing accidents…
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Should I Seek Compensation after a Relatively Minor Car Accident?

Should I Seek Compensation after a Relatively Minor Car Accident?

Auto Accident
You recognize that some car accidents are far more dangerous than others, but this does not mean that your relatively minor car accident is not serious enough to seek the compensation to which you are entitled. The fact is that the immense impact generated by car accidents means that very few qualify as truly minor. If you have been injured as a result of another driver’s negligence, it is always in your best interest to discuss the matter with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney. Reaching Your Fullest Recovery The injuries you suffer in a car accident do not have to be life-threatening to be serious and to leave you with lasting consequences that can be exceptionally difficult to overcome without fair compensation. Injuries such as the following can…
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Is It Too Late to File a Lawsuit against the At-Fault Driver?

Is It Too Late to File a Lawsuit against the At-Fault Driver?

Auto Accident
If you have been injured by another driver’s negligence and have been attempting to obtain just compensation through their insurance provider, it may feel like an uphill battle. Insurance companies are in the business of making money, and they are adept at putting claimants through the wringer and ultimately paying out as little as they can get away with. If you haven’t been able to make headway with the insurance company, you shouldn’t wait to consult with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney. The Statute of Limitations The statute of limitations refers to the amount of time someone has to file a lawsuit against another person or entity. When it comes to car accidents in California, the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit against the insurance company handling…
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