Conductores ebrios causan lesiones en Beverly Hills

Conductores ebrios causan lesiones en Beverly Hills

Truck Accident
Probablemente no sorprenda que los conductores ebrios sean conductores excepcionalmente peligrosos que causan algunos de los accidentes más mortales en nuestras carreteras. Beverly Hills es conocida por sus fabulosos restaurantes y su vida nocturna, lo que se presta a un aumento de las tasas de conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol. Si usted o un ser querido ha sido lesionado por un conductor ebrio, un abogado con experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos de Beverly Hills puede ayudarlo. Las Estadísticas La California Office of Traffic Safety comparte que hubo 1,066 muertes de tráfico relacionadas con el alcohol solo en 2019. El National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) informa además las siguientes estadísticas relacionadas con el alcohol: ● Todos los días en los Estados Unidos, unas 32 personas pierden la vida a causa…
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Podemos confiar en los automóviles sin conductor para estar seguros

Podemos confiar en los automóviles sin conductor para estar seguros

Auto Accident
De acuerdo a Kelley Blue Book, los autos verdaderamente sin conductor siguen siendo teóricos. Además, actualmente no hay automóviles en nuestras carreteras en los que los conductores puedan incluso quitar las manos del volante, excepto en condiciones exigentes. Esto hace que la pregunta de "son seguros estos vehículos" sea difícil de responder. Miremos más de cerca. Categorización de autos sin conductor Los automóviles autónomos se dividen en dos grupos que incluyen asistencia al conductor y sistemas autónomos. Los sistemas que ofrecen compatibilidad con el controlador alivian parte de la carga del controlador, y los ejemplos incluyen: ● Asistencia para mantenerse en el carril ● Control de crucero adaptativo (o inteligente) ● Funciones de manos libres Los sistemas autónomos, por otro lado, no requieren la asistencia de un conductor. No hay…
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Errores de Conductores de Camiones Comerciales

Errores de Conductores de Camiones Comerciales

Personal Injury
Los accidentes de camiones son algunos de los accidentes más violentos, aterradores y peligrosos en nuestras carreteras y, a menudo, son causados por errores por parte de los conductores de camiones. Si se encuentra en la difícil posición de ser lesionado por la negligencia de un conductor de camión, no debe retrasar la consulta con un abogado experimentado en accidentes de camiones de Beverly Hills. Los accidentes de camiones están en aumento La Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) comparte las siguientes estadísticas, que demuestran que los accidentes de camiones peligrosos van en aumento: ● La cantidad de camiones involucrados en accidentes fatales aumentó un 2 por ciento de 2018 a 2019. ● La cantidad de camiones involucrados en accidentes que causaron lesiones aumentó un 6 por ciento de 2018…
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Los Conductores de Amazon pueden causar Choques

Los Conductores de Amazon pueden causar Choques

Truck Accident
Amazon entrega muchos paquetes y, como resultado, la gran empresa tiene muchos repartidores bajo contrato. Estos conductores están bajo una presión considerable para realizar entregas y, en el proceso, a veces provocan accidentes graves con los camiones de reparto. Si ha resultado lesionado por la negligencia de un conductor de entrega de Amazon, no deje de consultar con un abogado con experiencia en accidentes de camiones de entrega de Beverly Hills. Amazon Espera una Entrega Rápida Amazon lidera el camino en términos de entregas rápidas y ha sido acusado de perder de vista la seguridad en el proceso. De acuerdo a The Press-Enterprise, muchos de los repartidores que contratan a través de Amazon se quejan de que la empresa implementa un sistema automatizado que prioriza la entrega de paquetes sobre…
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When the Other Driver Is Texting

When the Other Driver Is Texting

Auto Accident
It is not difficult to spot when a driver in your midst is texting – such drivers tend to slow down, weave a bit in the driving lane, and otherwise drive erratically. The fact is that texting behind the wheel is one of the most dangerous driving practices out there, and it often leads to life-threatening accidents. If a texting driver causes you or someone you love to be injured in a car accident, don’t wait to consult with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney. An Alarming Distraction The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) makes it very clear exactly how dangerous texting while driving is with this statement – Texting is the most alarming distraction. In fact, in 2020 alone, 3,142 people lost their lives to distracted drivers,…
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Why You Shouldn’t Post on Social Media After a Car Accident

Why You Shouldn’t Post on Social Media After a Car Accident

Auto Accident
You have been injured by another driver’s negligence, and – in order to fully recover – you’ll need the compensation to which you are entitled, which means filing your claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance provider. Working closely with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney is one of the most important steps you can take to protect your claim, and another is giving social media a pass until your car accident claim is finalized. Why Refraining from Posting Is in Your Best Interest The insurance company is fully invested in keeping your settlement as low as it possibly can, and toward this end, it will be watching you (in search of any information it can find). Social media often amounts to a goldmine of information. According to Smart Insights…
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2 Important Car Accident Statistics You Should Know

2 Important Car Accident Statistics You Should Know

Auto Accident
Car accidents happen, and the statistics back up the fact that they’re often caused by driver negligence. If you’ve been harmed by another motorist’s dangerous driving practices, do yourself and your claim a favor by consulting with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney as soon after the injury-causing accident as you can. One: The First Half of 2021 Was Exceptionally Dangerous The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) predicts (as of May 2022) that the first half of 2021 will show a 10.5 percent increase in the number of traffic fatalities over the first half of 2020. The numbers are 42,915 deaths in 2021 and 38,824 deaths in 2020. This is the highest number of traffic deaths since 2005 and represents the largest percentage boost in the history of…
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Excess Speed Is a Deadly Driving Practice

Excess Speed Is a Deadly Driving Practice

Auto Accident
Of all the dangerous driving practices out there – and there are plenty – excess speed is the deadliest of all. The statistics routinely find that speed kills, and motorists who fail to maintain safe speeds put everyone on our roadways at increased risk. If you’ve been harmed by a speeding motorist, reach out to an experienced Beverly Hills car accident lawyer today. The Sobering Statistics The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shares all the following speed-related statistics: In 2020 alone, 11,258 people were killed by speeding motorists. For more than 20 years, excess speed has played a role in about one out of every three fatal traffic accidents. In 2020, excess speed featured in 29 percent of all fatal traffic accidents. Excess speed is exceptionally dangerous and often…
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15-Passenger Van Rollovers

15-Passenger Van Rollovers

Truck Accident
15-passenger vans are closely associated with rollover accidents, and the results are often deadly. These cumbersome vehicles require careful driving, and driver inexperience or negligence is often the root cause of ensuing accidents. If you’ve been injured by someone else’s negligence in a 15-passenger van rollover, you need an experienced Beverly Hills van accident attorney in your corner. Considering the Statistics The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 15-passenger vans are commonly used by daycare centers, sports teams, youth groups, carpools, and more – and that these vehicles are growing in popularity. These large vans, however, can be challenging to drive, and rollover rates are elevated (the rate rises as the number of passengers increases). Consider the following sobering statistics: From 2010 to 2019, 235 occupants of 15-passenger…
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Teen Drivers Cause More Summer Crashes

Teen Drivers Cause More Summer Crashes

Auto Accident
If you know anything about teenagers, it likely comes as no surprise that teens, cars, and summer often spell trouble, and the statistics bear this out. If you or someone you love is injured by the negligence of a teen driver this summer, turn to an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney for the professional legal counsel you are looking for. The Statistics The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reports on exactly how dangerous teen drivers – especially in the summer months – can be. Consider the following: Teenage motorists drive fewer miles than any other age group (other than the oldest drivers), but their crash rates (including their fatal crash rates) belie this fact. Teenagers (aged 16 to 19) experience a per-miles-driven fatal crash rate that is almost…
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