April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Auto Accident
The problem of distracted driving remains bad enough that a public campaign to raise awareness is necessary. This happens every year in April, where there are efforts to educate the public on the dangers of distracted driving. This effort tries to teach drivers what happens when they take their eyes off the road. Of course, the classic example of distracted driving is when a motorist reads their phone or sends a text while driving. The truth is that distracted driving is about much more than that - even eating behind the wheel or engaging in an intense conversation can be dangerously distracting. Anything that keeps you from fully focusing while operating a car could be considered distracted driving. Statistics About Distracted Driving Here are some alarming statistics that people should…
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Concussions from Car Crashes

Concussions from Car Crashes

Auto Accident
Concussions are one of the more serious and common injuries that drivers and passengers suffer in an accident. Roughly 20% of all hospitalizations for traumatic brain injuries come from car crashes. Besides having potential long-lasting impacts, concussions are not always apparent at the time of the accident. In the meantime, you are walking around and living your life with an untreated brain injury that could cause long-term damage. Concussions usually happen when your head makes contact with something like an airbag or steering wheel. However, you do not always need for your head to strike something. Most often, you suffer a concussion from whiplash, which is one of the most common car accident injuries. Your head snapping forward would cause the injury when your brain moves inside your skull. What…
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Risks of Teen Drivers

Risks of Teen Drivers

Auto Accident
While everyone needs to get their start behind the wheel, this does not lessen the risks that teen drivers pose to others. Here are some of the dangers that go along with teen drivers. Inexperience There are some things that experienced drivers just know that they have learned over time. This includes things like: Driving a reasonable speed in the weatherDriving defensively at all timesLeaving a safe distance between cars Newer drivers also lack some reaction and crash avoidance abilities of more experienced motorists. Sometimes, inexperience can cause an accident when a teen driver misreads the situation. Distraction Teens are the stereotypical distracted driver. They have been raised on their mobile devices and may not even be able to put them down when driving. Besides being illegal, this is also…
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Cómo Funcionan los Reclamos por Accidentes de Vahículos en California

Cómo Funcionan los Reclamos por Accidentes de Vahículos en California

Auto Accident
Las semanas y los meses posteriores a un accidente automovilístico pueden ser confusos y atemorizantes, especialmente cuando se trata de facturas médicas importantes, facturas de reparación y tiempo de trabajo perdido. Si su accidente fue causado por el descuido de otra persona, es probable que pueda obtener una compensación presentando un accidente automovilístico. A continuación se presentan algunos de los pasos principales en el proceso de compensación por accidentes automovilísticos. Llámenos hoy para discutir su caso con un abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Beverly Hills. Presentar un Reclamo Lo primero que debe hacer es presentar una reclamación a la compañía de seguros del conductor culpable. Sin embargo, antes de hacer esto, es una buena idea hablar con un abogado. Un abogado se asegurará de que su reclamo se presente a…
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Problemas de Responsabilidades en Accidentes de Reacción en Cadena

Problemas de Responsabilidades en Accidentes de Reacción en Cadena

Auto Accident
Pocos tipos de accidentes son más terribles que un accidente automovilístico de reacción en cadena. Estos accidentes generalmente incluyen un automóvil que choca con otro automóvil, otro vehículo, etc. Un tipo de reacción en cadena particularmente peligrosa es un accidente en el que ocurre un accidente y los conductores que se aproximan no pueden detenerse antes de chocar con vehículos averiados. Cuando varios conductores están involucrados en accidentes, el problema puede agravarse rápidamente. Por ejemplo, si está sentado en un semáforo y un automóvil lo golpea por detrás y el automóvil lo golpea frente a usted, ¿es usted responsable? La respuesta a esta pregunta es "probablemente no" porque nada de lo que hizo causó daños al vehículo que tenía delante. En cambio, es probable que el conductor que lo conoció…
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How Tailgating and Brake Checking Lead to Crashes

How Tailgating and Brake Checking Lead to Crashes

Auto Accident
Tailgating is a common behavior on the road that is considered to be a form of aggressive driving. When a driver thinks that you are driving too slowly or they want you to move over so they can pass you, they might start following you very closely, which can be stressful.   This practice can result in accidents and injuries to many motorists. Tailgating First, tailgating can be distracting for the front driver, especially if they do not have a chance to move out of the lane right away. The front driver will naturally be focusing on the menacing driver behind them instead of the road ahead, which can lead to mistakes. Further, following too closely does not give the rear driver enough room to slow down or stop if the…
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Car Crash Risks on Road Trips

Car Crash Risks on Road Trips

Auto Accident
As spring break is right around the corner and summer break is in sight, many families are planning road trips. Road trips are also a popular form of travel with COVID-19 concerns, keeping many people off planes. If your family is headed out on a road trip, you should keep the possible risks of a crash in mind. Fatigue Road trips involve long hours on the highway, and some people try to get as far as possible before stopping for the night. This can result in fatigue, and drowsy driving can be similarly dangerous to drunk driving. Always pull over or switch drivers if you are getting at all fatigued. Further, stay aware that other drivers - including truck drivers - might be fatigued, as well. Distraction Driving for long…
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Should You Start Your Car Accident Claim Without an Attorney

Should You Start Your Car Accident Claim Without an Attorney

Auto Accident
After a car accident and injuries, the medical bills and other expenses can pile up quickly. Many people feel financial stress, especially if they cannot work for a period of time due to their injuries. It is only natural to be eager to start the insurance process and get a check in your hand. The car accident claim process might seem pretty straightforward to you - if the at-fault driver has insurance, you should just be able to file a claim and collect your payment, right? Unfortunately, this is not how it goes for many people who file their own claims. It is always wise to start the claim process with the help of a Beverly Hills car accident attorney. Potential Roadblocks If you file your own claim, there are…
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Liability Issues in Chain Reaction Crashes

Liability Issues in Chain Reaction Crashes

Auto Accident
There are few types of accidents that are more frightening than a chain reaction car crash. Typically, these accidents involve one car striking another that hits another vehicle, and so on. One particularly dangerous kind of chain reaction is a pile-up, in which an accident occurs, and oncoming drivers are unable to stop before hitting the disabled vehicles. When multiple drivers are involved in accidents, the issue of fault can become very complicated, quickly. For example, if you are sitting at a stoplight and a car rear-ends you and causes you to hit the car in front of you, are you liable? The answer to this question is “probably not,” as nothing you did caused the damage to the vehicle in front of you. Instead, the driver who hit you…
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Drunk Drivers on St. Patrick’s Day

Drunk Drivers on St. Patrick’s Day

Auto Accident
With March 17th around the corner, many people throughout the United States and Beverly Hills are getting ready to celebrate St. Paddy’s day. While celebrations may look a little different this year due to the safety concerns associated with the pandemic, it’s a safe bet that many people will do what they can to observe the holiday. St. Patrick’s Day is often marked by parades, traditional Irish food, and alcoholic beverages. Green beer and Irish whiskey tend to flow liberally on the 17th, and sometimes the celebration goes a little too far with intoxicated people getting behind the wheel. If you are injured by a drunk driver, there is a good chance that you will be able to recover compensation for your accident-related losses. That said, it’s likely that you’d…
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