Accidentes de Peatones en la Noche

Accidentes de Peatones en la Noche

Auto Accident
Las muertes de peatones han aumentado dramáticamente durante la última década, y el problema solo empeora. El mayor riesgo para los peatones es cuando se aventuran a salir de noche. El problema es aún peor en un área urbana. El área de Los Ángeles es la desafortunada tormenta perfecta para los accidentes de peatones, especialmente de noche. A los angelinos les gusta aprovechar las opciones de vida nocturna en el área, y están en las calles después del anochecer. No hay absolutamente nada de malo en eso. Siempre que crucen en intersecciones y pasos de peatones, el deber recae en el conductor de tener cuidado y evitar atropellarlos. Los Conductores prestan aún Menos Atención por la Noche El tema es que los conductores no ejercen el debido cuidado. Son aún…
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Qué sucede si un Conductor Ofrece Pagarle Después de un Accidente

Qué sucede si un Conductor Ofrece Pagarle Después de un Accidente

Auto Accident
Algunos conductores tienen mucho miedo de las consecuencias de un accidente automovilístico. Su seguro podría aumentar, e incluso podrían ser personalmente responsables de sus daños. Algunos pueden ofrecer pagarle dinero en la escena de un accidente automovilístico. Nunca lo acepte de ellos porque podría evitar que pueda recibir una compensación legal completa por sus lesiones. Si toma efectivo en la escena de un accidente, estaría renunciando a obtener la información del seguro del otro conductor y a informar el accidente a su propia compañía de seguros. Incluso si un accidente parece menor en la escena, no sabrá el alcance total de sus daños hasta los días posteriores al accidente. Por ejemplo, ● Podría enterarse en los días y semanas posteriores a un accidente que sufrió un latigazo cervical ● Los…
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Conducir Imprudentemente está causando más Muertes de Peatones

Conducir Imprudentemente está causando más Muertes de Peatones

Auto Accident
Los expertos predijeron inicialmente que la pandemia de COVID-19 al menos reduciría algunas de las tasas crecientes de accidentes graves de vehículos de motor y peatones. Desafortunadamente, sucedió exactamente lo contrario. Las muertes por accidentes en realidad han aumentado desde principios de 2020, alcanzando un máximo de 30 años. La razón principal es que la gente ha estado conduciendo mucho más imprudentemente que en el pasado. Menos autos en la carretera en realidad dieron a los automovilistas el espacio y la capacidad para conducir de manera imprudente. Las muertes de peatones ya han aumentado más del 46% en la última década. Ahora, el problema está empeorando por una serie de razones, la más reciente de ellas es una mayor capacidad para acelerar. Por qué las Muertes de Peatones Están Aumentando…
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Cómo Encontrar al Abogado de Accidentes de Auto Adecuado

Cómo Encontrar al Abogado de Accidentes de Auto Adecuado

Auto Accident
Contratar al abogado de accidentes automovilísticos adecuado puede marcar una gran diferencia en su caso. Dado que debe tomar una decisión relativamente rápida al obtener ayuda legal, es fundamental saber lo que está buscando cuando hable con un abogado porque la decisión equivocada puede costarle dinero. Cualidades a Buscar en un Abogado El abogado adecuado para usted suele ser uno que tenga la combinación adecuada de: ● Experiencia ● Estilo de comunicación ● Servicio al cliente ● Estrategia de caso Incluso los abogados con más experiencia pueden no serle de mucha ayuda si no están allí cuando los necesita y no pueden trabajar bien con usted para tomar las decisiones correctas. Al mismo tiempo, un abogado podría atender sus llamadas, pero no tiene lo que se necesita para hacer frente…
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Figuring Out Medical Costs from Car Accident Injuries

Figuring Out Medical Costs from Car Accident Injuries

Auto Accident
When you have been injured in a car accident, you are entitled to the full economic costs of your damages. One of the major parts of your economic damages is medical bills. You must have an idea of your future medical expenses because you cannot go back a second time to get more money if you recover too little. The challenge is to know now exactly what medical care you will need in the future. In addition, you may have no idea how much medical services will cost years from now. These are tasks that your lawyer will need to perform before you present your claim to the insurance company. Your Attorney Will Value Your Claim Everything starts with a comprehensive diagnosis of your injuries. Then, your lawyer will review…
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How Do You Find the Right Car Accident Lawyer?

How Do You Find the Right Car Accident Lawyer?

Auto Accident
Hiring the right car accident lawyer can make a big difference in your case. Since you must make a relatively quick decision when getting legal help, it is critical to know what you are looking for when you talk to an attorney because the wrong decision can cost you money. Qualities to Look for in a Lawyer The right lawyer for you is usually one who has the right mix of: Experience Communication styleCustomer serviceCase strategy Even the most experienced lawyers may not do you much good if they are not there when you need them and cannot work well with you to make the right decisions. At the same time, a lawyer could take your calls, but they do not have what it takes to stand up to the…
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What if a Driver Offers to Pay You After an Accident?

What if a Driver Offers to Pay You After an Accident?

Auto Accident
Some drivers are very afraid of the consequences of a car accident. Their insurance could go up, and they could even be personally liable for your damages. Some may offer to pay you money at the scene of a car accident. Do not ever accept it from them because it could keep you from being able to receive full legal compensation for your injuries. If you take cash at the scene of an accident, you would be forgoing getting the other driver’s insurance information and reporting the accident to your own insurance company. Even if an accident seems minor at the scene, you do not know the full extent of your damages until the days after an accident. For example, You could learn in the days and weeks after an…
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Reckless Driving Is Causing More Pedestrian Deaths

Reckless Driving Is Causing More Pedestrian Deaths

Auto Accident
Experts initially predicted that the COVID-19 pandemic would at least cut some of the escalating rates of serious motor vehicle and pedestrian accidents. Unfortunately, the exact opposite happened. Accident fatalities have actually increased since the beginning of 2020, reaching a 30-year high. The main reason is that people have been driving far more recklessly than they did in the past. Fewer cars on the road actually gave motorists the space and ability to drive recklessly. Pedestrian deaths are already up over 46% in the last decade. Now, the issue is getting worse for a number of reasons, the most recent of them being an increased ability to speed. Why Pedestrian Deaths Are Increasing Other factors that have been cited for the recent uptick in pedestrian deaths are: Drivers’ increased anxiety…
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Drunk Drivers and Head-On Collisions

Drunk Drivers and Head-On Collisions

Auto Accident
Head-on collisions are undoubtedly the most dangerous type of crash possible. The situation becomes far worse when one of the drivers is under the influence. These are the types of crashes that will cause the most severe injuries and even death. In any head-on crash, each driver bears the full brunt of the impact. The crash often occurs at high speed because neither driver is expecting it and has the ability to slow down. The drunk driver does not have a full idea of where they are going and usually makes no effort to break. In addition, they are often going well above the speed limit at the time of the crash because they have no sense or speed and the alcohol makes them far more reckless. Drunk drivers often…
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UM Claims after a Hit-and-Run

UM Claims after a Hit-and-Run

Auto Accident
If you have been injured in a hit-and-run crash, you can still recover financial compensation. In California, insurers are required to offer you uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage with your policy. It is never smart to turn down this coverage because of circumstances just like these. The prerequisite for being able to file a hit-and-run claim against your own insurance is that you have a police report. Hopefully, you called the police to the scene of the accident to report that you were the victim of a hit-and-run accident. Damages in UM Claim When you file a UIM claim, you are dealing with your own auto insurance carrier. Your policy has coverage up to a certain amount, and you are filing a claim against that. You are able to recover the same…
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