Drunk Drivers and Head-On Collisions

Drunk Drivers and Head-On Collisions

Auto Accident
Head-on collisions are undoubtedly the most dangerous type of crash possible. The situation becomes far worse when one of the drivers is under the influence. These are the types of crashes that will cause the most severe injuries and even death. In any head-on crash, each driver bears the full brunt of the impact. The crash often occurs at high speed because neither driver is expecting it and has the ability to slow down. The drunk driver does not have a full idea of where they are going and usually makes no effort to break. In addition, they are often going well above the speed limit at the time of the crash because they have no sense or speed and the alcohol makes them far more reckless. Drunk drivers often…
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UM Claims after a Hit-and-Run

UM Claims after a Hit-and-Run

Auto Accident
If you have been injured in a hit-and-run crash, you can still recover financial compensation. In California, insurers are required to offer you uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage with your policy. It is never smart to turn down this coverage because of circumstances just like these. The prerequisite for being able to file a hit-and-run claim against your own insurance is that you have a police report. Hopefully, you called the police to the scene of the accident to report that you were the victim of a hit-and-run accident. Damages in UM Claim When you file a UIM claim, you are dealing with your own auto insurance carrier. Your policy has coverage up to a certain amount, and you are filing a claim against that. You are able to recover the same…
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Can You Get Damages for Permanent Disabilities from Accidents?

Can You Get Damages for Permanent Disabilities from Accidents?

Auto Accident
Your personal injury compensation must fully compensate you for all of the injuries that you suffered in an accident. Financial compensation from an accident is both backward and forward-looking. You must consider what the future holds when you are seeking personal injury compensation. The defendant has an obligation to put you in the same position as if the accident never happened, including paying for permanent disabilities. Permanent disabilities will lead to a number of different types of damages that will continue to impact your life in the future. Some of these disabilities could keep you from working again or prevent you from doing the type and amount of work that you did before the injury. In addition, you may continue to experience pain and suffering indefinitely as you deal with…
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Distracted Rideshare Drivers

Distracted Rideshare Drivers

Auto Accident
Rideshare apps, like Lyft or Uber, allow people to request a ride, like an on-call private taxi, right from their phones. Throughout the pick-up, while en route, and during the drop-off, the driver must look at and tap things in the rideshare app. Is it really safe to have a driver relying on using an app while driving? If that app the driver was using sent text messages, it would be illegal, but if it sends Uber passenger pick-up instructions, it’s ok. How is driving while using a rideshare app not distracted driving? What Is Distracted Driving? “The human brain’s inability to quickly process numerous sensory cues at the same time means that something must give—and often, it’s the driver’s focus on the road,” writes Uber on their own website.…
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Will My Car Accident Case Go to Court?

Will My Car Accident Case Go to Court?

Auto Accident
It is very rare for car accidents to be litigated in open court in front of a judge. The overwhelming majority of car accidents are settled between you and your insurance company, as well as you and the driver who caused the accident. Settling out of court saves time, money, energy, and sanity (in most cases). Alternative Dispute Resolution  If settling your car accident case doesn’t seem possible, remember that you can ask the other side to participate in ADR or Alternative Dispute Resolution. ADR includes mediation and binding arbitration. Mediation is an interactive process where an objective, professionally-trained mediator assists you and the other party in agreeing to a fair settlement. Binding arbitration is similar to mediation except that the arbiter decides, like a judge, what the outcome will…
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How Do You Know Who Was at Fault in Your Car Accident?

How Do You Know Who Was at Fault in Your Car Accident?

Auto Accident
Some states use a “no-fault” car accident system, meaning that, in the event of an accident, insurance companies don’t consider who was to blame. California, however, does use an “at-fault” system for car accidents. This means the driver who caused the wreck is responsible for the damages they caused. Get a Copy of the Police Report Hopefully, someone called the police to the scene of your accident. The police will take a report of the accident, in which they will investigate the cause of the crash. A traffic collision police report in the state of California will clearly outline which driver was at fault. In order to know which driver that was, simply request to see the police report. Most insurance companies will conduct their own investigations as well, which…
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When Do You Need a Car Accident Lawyer?

When Do You Need a Car Accident Lawyer?

Auto Accident
Some car accidents involve little to no property damage and no injuries. If, however, you have been involved in an accident involving either, it’s in your best interest to reach out to a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer, like our team at Jalilvand Law. If You’ve Been Injured If you or your passengers have sustained any injuries in a car accident, you should contact a car accident lawyer. It never hurts to make a few phone calls to learn more about your rights and how a lawyer may or may not be able to assist you. Even if your insurance company has been helpful or if you’ve already accepted a settlement offer from them, again, you have nothing to lose by speaking to a car accident attorney. If There Are…
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Calling 911 After a Car Accident is Important

Calling 911 After a Car Accident is Important

Auto Accident
As personal injury attorneys in Beverly Hills, we recommend always calling 911. The worst that can happen is they tell you your situation is not an emergency. Whether the dispatcher decides to call a patrol car to your area or not, you can’t be too careful. Plus, don’t assume a bystander will call for you. Here are a few more reasons to call 911 after you’ve been in a car accident. In Case There Are Injuries 911.gov recommends calling 911 whether there are injuries or not. It’s better to be safe than sorry. If someone involved in the crash even has what appears to be a minor injury, a medical expert should be the one to determine the extent of the damage. There are plenty of injuries that are not…
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What to Expect at Your First Consultation with an Injury Lawyer

What to Expect at Your First Consultation with an Injury Lawyer

Auto Accident
A common question we get asked as Beverly Hills injury lawyers is what to expect at an initial consultation and whether you need to prepare. In general, your first meeting with a lawyer will simply involve talking about your accident and getting to know each other. Read on to learn more. Understanding Your Case The first thing an injury lawyer will do is try to understand all the facts about your accident. If you have a police report, copy of your insurance policy, medical records, or any photos, definitely bring those with you to give the lawyer as much information as possible. Legal Concerns At your initial consultation, your lawyer will likely make an initial legal assessment regarding the strength of your case. In the event that the attorney believes…
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Should You Accept an Insurance Settlement?

Auto Accident
You may be surprised to learn that the overwhelming majority of personal injury cases settle before either party sets foot in a courtroom. That said, accepting a settlement offer is a significant decision, and it’s hard to know when it’s time to do so. Read on to learn more. How Insurance Settlement Negotiations Work Like any negotiation, the party that generally throws out the first number is going to start with a low number. There is always the off chance that the other party will accept this low figure because they simply need money quickly. Insurance companies are no different. This is one huge reason why it is helpful to have an expert advocating for you, someone like a personal injury lawyer who handles lots of car accident claims. Why…
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