Furia en la Carretera durante el Tráfico en Hora Pico en Beverly Hills

Furia en la Carretera durante el Tráfico en Hora Pico en Beverly Hills

Auto Accident
MD: La furia al volante es común en nuestras carreteras y puede causar accidentes y lesiones evitables. Le ha victimizado este comportamiento irresponsable No olvide ponerse en contacto con un abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Beverly Hills para que lo ayude a obtener una compensación justa. Conducción agresiva, también conocida como furia al volante, está conduciendo el comportamiento que causa la ira. Hace que un conductor conduzca peligrosamente, sin tener en cuenta la seguridad, los derechos y la cortesía de otros usuarios de la carretera. El término "furia en la carretera" se usó por primera vez en una estación de noticias de Los Ángeles en 1987. Un conductor con este comportamiento muestra estas señales de peligro: ● Choca el trasero de otros vehículos; ● Grita o maldice a otros conductores;…
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Necesita una Licencia Especial para conducir un Camión

Necesita una Licencia Especial para conducir un Camión

Auto Accident
Todo conductor de camión comercial necesita una licencia de conducir comercial (CDL) para conducir sus camiones si operan a través de las fronteras estatales. Anteriormente, cualquier conductor con una licencia de conducir válida conducía un vehículo comercial. Sin embargo, las cosas cambiaron en 1986 luego de la promulgación de la Ley de Seguridad de Vehículos Motorizados Comerciales. Esta legislación requiere que todos los conductores de vehículos comerciales que operan en las carreteras interestatales obtengan una licencia de conducir comercial. La ley ha mejorado la seguridad vial al otorgar a estos conductores suficientes calificaciones y capacitación. Siga leyendo para saber por qué una licencia de conducir comercial es fundamental. Qué vehículos requieren una licencia de conducir comercial Cada conductor opera un vehículo comercial, como un tractor con remolque, semirremolque, camión volquete…
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Qué sucede cuando un conductor se pasa un semáforo en rojo

Qué sucede cuando un conductor se pasa un semáforo en rojo

Auto Accident
Muchos conductores imprudentes pasan los semáforos en rojo, arriesgando la vida y el bienestar de ellos mismos y de todos los que los rodean. En un esfuerzo por frenar este problema, muchos municipios han instalado cámaras de luz roja para detectar a los morosos. Estas cámaras disparan a los infractores varias veces cuando atraviesan las intersecciones. El Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) dice que las cámaras han reducido significativamente los accidentes fatales en un 21% por ciento en las grandes ciudades. Desafortunadamente, los conductores continúan pasando los semáforos en rojo, a menudo con consecuencias desastrosas. Si ha resultado lesionado por un conductor que se pasó un semáforo en rojo, es muy probable que tenga derecho a una compensación. Para obtener más información, llámenos hoy para programar una evaluación de…
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Injuries that Can Prevent You From Working

Injuries that Can Prevent You From Working

Auto Accident
Accidental injuries can leave victims with significant problems. From medical expenses to pain and suffering, preventable accidents often result in substantial losses. In some cases, victims are unable to work or earn a living after their accidents - sometimes permanently. Fortunately, California law allows people injured by the negligence of others to recover compensation for their economic and non-economic losses - including their lost income. To learn more and to find out whether you have a case, call our office today to speak with a Beverly Hills personal injury attorney. Various Injuries can Leave Victims with Temporary or Permanent Disabilities There are a number of injuries that can prevent you from doing your job, ranging from the minor to the severe. For example, if your job involves a significant amount…
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Road Rage During Rush Hour Traffic in Beverly Hills

Road Rage During Rush Hour Traffic in Beverly Hills

Auto Accident
MD: Road rage is common on our roads and can cause avoidable accidents and injuries. Has this irresponsible behavior victimized you? Don’t forget to contact a Beverly Hills car accident attorney to help you get just compensation. Aggressive driving, aka road rage, is driving behavior anger causes. It makes a driver drive dangerously, disregard other road users’ safety, rights, and courtesy. The term “road rage” gained its first use in a Los Angeles news station in 1987. A driver with this behavior shows these danger signs: Tailgates other vehicles;Yells at or curses other drivers;Intentionally cuts off other drivers;  Blocks other vehicles’ entry;Speeds;Weaves through traffic;Honks furiously;Makes obscene gestures to fellow drivers;Deliberately hits other vehicles; Gets out of their car to confront other drivers;Physically assaults other drivers. This post examines this unbecoming…
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Common Car Accident Injuries

Common Car Accident Injuries

Auto Accident
Car accidents can cause a variety of severe injuries, including those that can drastically alter the course of one’s life. In the most severe cases, victims may be unable to work or live without 24/7 medical care.  Some of the more common injuries you can sustain in a car wreck are detailed below. For more information, call our office today to schedule a free case evaluation with a Beverly Hills car accident attorney. Burns Burns are a common car accident injury, especially in cases where cars catch on fire or hot gases or liquids escape the engine compartment and enter the cabin. Traumatic Brain Injuries Car accident survivors can also suffer traumatic brain injuries if their heads come in contact with the car’s interior, the ground, or other objects. Back…
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What Happens When a Driver Runs a Red Light?

What Happens When a Driver Runs a Red Light?

Auto Accident
Many reckless drivers run red lights, risking the lives and well-being of themselves and everyone else around them. In an effort to curb this issue, many municipalities have installed red-light cameras to catch defaulters. These cameras flash offenders several times when they run through intersections. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) says that cameras have significantly reduced fatal crashes by 21% percent in large cities. Unfortunately, drivers continue to run red lights, often with disastrous consequences. If you have been injured by a driver that ran a red light, there is a good chance that you are entitled to compensation. To learn more, call us today to schedule a case evaluation with a lawyer. Common Causes of Red Lights Accidents The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and the Insurance…
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The Financial Impact of a Tragic Loss in the Family

The Financial Impact of a Tragic Loss in the Family

Auto Accident
About 173,000 people die each year due to accidental and unexpected injuries in the United States. These sudden deaths affect families in many ways, including causing emotional grief and financial stress. Some of these fatalities happen because someone else was negligent, which allows family members to seek justice and compensation for their losses. A compassionate Beverly Hills wrongful death attorney can evaluate your rights and help you through the legal process. Financial Stress Following Wrongful Death If your family recently suffered a tragic loss, there are many ways this can impact your financial situation. On top of your emotional devastation, the last thing you need is to experience financial stress, as well. Some effects a sudden death might have include: Losing the income support if the deceased individual worked and…
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Fatal Car Accidents in California

Fatal Car Accidents in California

Auto Accident
California leads the nation in the number of car accident-related deaths and injuries, and the latest statistics show that our state had 3,316 fatal crashes that caused 3,606 deaths. These crashes leave families facing grief, financial losses, and more. If you lost a loved one in a fatal crash, you should learn how speaking with a Beverly Hills wrongful death attorney can benefit you. Leading Causes of Fatal Crashes in California Many factors cause fatal car accidents in California, including: Speeding - High-speed crashes often have a greater chance of causing fatalities. Distracted Driving - Distracted driving increases the chances of a serious accident. One moment of a driver looking down at their email on a smartphone can end someone else’s life.Tailgating  - Some drivers in Beverly Hills get impatient…
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What is a Concussion?

What is a Concussion?

Auto Accident
A concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury that can result in serious complications. Depending on their severity, their effects can be severe enough to last for days, weeks, or even months. Fortunately, in many cases, a Beverly Hills brain injury lawyer can help victims recover compensation for their accident-related losses. Causes of Concussions Concussions often result when the brain bounces around within the skull. They also occur when the brain moves rapidly back and forth due to a collision in the skull. The moving brain can damage and stretch brain cells, causing negative brain changes.  In some cases, your brain’s normal function temporarily stops, and you start experiencing symptoms. Some of the most common events causing concussions are motor accidents, falls, and contact sport collisions. Symptoms of Concussions…
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