3 Realistic Expectations of a Personal Injury Settlement

3 Realistic Expectations of a Personal Injury Settlement

Personal Injury
After a serious injury, it's understandable that you'd want to get compensation. While calling a personal injury lawyer should always be your first step, it's important to know what to expect. Here are some important and realistic expectations of your personal injury case, and what can affect how much money you win in a lawsuit. 1. Typical Award Amounts The amount of money you win in a lawsuit will vary greatly. For example, According to Just Great Lawyers, most people get an average of $3,000 to $75,000 in a personal injury lawsuit. The severity of your injury and the liability of the involved parties will affect how much money you receive. For example, if you spent $2,000 on medical bills, you may be easily covered in a lawsuit. Proving that…
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Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer Before It’s Too Late

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer Before It’s Too Late

Personal Injury
Have you suffered from a personal injury and aren't sure what steps to take next? Reaching out to a lawyer and getting legal assistance from a professional who fully understands your situation is critical. It would help if you didn't wait too long for this decision because every moment you wait can complicate your situation and make your chances of winning your case slimmer and more challenging. Why a Personal Injury Lawyer Is Important A personal injury lawyer is critical for personal injury lawsuits and should be contacted immediately. They will help prepare your case by collecting information, working with witnesses, and properly handling your paperwork. This way, you can complete your case quickly and efficiently and get the compensation you want and deserve for severe or devastating injuries. Know…
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Watch Out for These Shady Insurance Company Tactics

Watch Out for These Shady Insurance Company Tactics

Personal Injury
If another driver’s negligence causes you to be injured in a car accident, you’ll rely upon the at-fault driver’s insurance provider to cover your physical, financial, and emotional losses, which is what it is paid to do. Some insurance companies, however, are not above stooping to shady practices in order to keep settlements low and profits high. If you’re facing down another driver’s insurance company, do yourself a favor and reach out to an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney today. Insurance Company Common Tactics It’s important to recognize that there are state laws that specifically protect claimants like you from some of the most common tactics employed by insurance companies. Consider the following: Some insurance companies deny claims early on – banking on claimants giving up under the sheer…
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4 Helpful Tips for Driving Safely

4 Helpful Tips for Driving Safely

Personal Injury
When you get behind the wheel, you recognize the immense responsibility that you take on and the immense risk that you accept. Unfortunately, not every motorist out there takes safety as seriously as you do, which makes keeping the following safety tips in mind that much more important. And if you are injured by another driver’s negligence, reaching out for the professional legal guidance of an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney is always well advised. One: Slow Down Speed plays far too primary a role in deadly traffic accidents. Not only does excess speed decrease your response time, but it also increases the risk that any resulting accidents will prove deadly. Traveling at a safe speed includes taking the road’s condition into account. Two: Drive Defensively Driving defensively is…
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Pedestrians Beware

Pedestrians Beware

Personal Injury
Pedestrians are the most vulnerable victims of traffic accidents, and pedestrian accidents are on the rise. Making safety your top priority when you’re on foot is your only means of protection, and if you or someone you love is injured by someone else’s negligence in a pedestrian accident, it’s time to consult with an experienced Beverly Hills pedestrian accident attorney. Keeping Yourself Safe Out There The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) confirms that pedestrian fatalities were up a full 13 percent in 2021, which helps to shine a light on exactly how dangerous pedestrian accidents are. Driver negligence takes far too many life-threatening forms that include all the following: Excess speed, which allows motorist less time to react safely to pedestrians in their midst and makes any ensuing accidents…
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Why Drivers Might Hit Pedestrians

Why Drivers Might Hit Pedestrians

Personal Injury
About 14,000 pedestrians suffered injuries, and nearly 900 died in California when they were hit by drivers. Pedestrian accidents can happen anywhere, but they are particularly common in parking lots, crosswalks, sidewalks, and intersections. Unfortunately, when drivers hit pedestrians, it often results in severe injuries, financial losses, and sometimes death. If you’ve been hit and injured by a driver, a Beverly Hills pedestrian accident attorney can pursue the compensation you deserve. Distracted Driving In recent years, distracted driving has become more common with increased cell phone use by drivers. Drivers have become accustomed to texting or otherwise using cell phones while driving, which can cause them to miss a pedestrian. Some other common distractions that can lead to pedestrian crashes include: Adjusting audio and climate controlsEating and drinkingGroomingUsing GPS Speeding…
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Lesiones Comunes de Peatones

Lesiones Comunes de Peatones

Personal Injury
Los peatones son excepcionalmente vulnerables a lesiones graves e inmensas pérdidas cuando se lesionan en accidentes de tránsito, y los accidentes de peatones que involucran a personas mayores de 65 años están aumentando en California. Si la negligencia de un automovilista lo deja a usted o a su ser querido lesionado en un accidente de peatones, busque el asesoramiento legal de un abogado con experiencia en accidentes de peatones de Beverly Hills.. Accidentes de Peatones El California Office of Traffic Safety informa que, si bien la tasa de accidentes de peatones disminuyó ligeramente en 2019 (sobre 2018), experimentó un aumento más significativo para los peatones mayores de 65 años. Baste decir que, cuando va a pie, corre un riesgo más considerable y debe siempre haga de la seguridad su principal…
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Errores de Conductores de Camiones Comerciales

Errores de Conductores de Camiones Comerciales

Personal Injury
Los accidentes de camiones son algunos de los accidentes más violentos, aterradores y peligrosos en nuestras carreteras y, a menudo, son causados por errores por parte de los conductores de camiones. Si se encuentra en la difícil posición de ser lesionado por la negligencia de un conductor de camión, no debe retrasar la consulta con un abogado experimentado en accidentes de camiones de Beverly Hills. Los accidentes de camiones están en aumento La Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) comparte las siguientes estadísticas, que demuestran que los accidentes de camiones peligrosos van en aumento: ● La cantidad de camiones involucrados en accidentes fatales aumentó un 2 por ciento de 2018 a 2019. ● La cantidad de camiones involucrados en accidentes que causaron lesiones aumentó un 6 por ciento de 2018…
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Common Pedestrian Injuries

Common Pedestrian Injuries

Personal Injury
Pedestrians are exceptionally vulnerable to serious injuries and immense losses when they are injured in traffic accidents, and pedestrian accidents involving those over the age of 65 are on the rise in California. If a motorist’s negligence leaves you or your loved one injured in a pedestrian accident, seek the legal counsel of an experienced Beverly Hills pedestrian accident attorney. Pedestrian Accidents  The California Office of Traffic Safety reports that while the rate of pedestrian accidents decreased slightly in 2019 (over 2018), it experienced a more significant increase for pedestrians over the age of 65. Suffice to say that, when you are on foot, you are at more considerable risk and should always make safety your top priority. Common Injuries Experienced by Pedestrians  While pedestrians can incur nearly any kind…
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Drunk Drivers Cause Injuries in Beverly Hills

Drunk Drivers Cause Injuries in Beverly Hills

Personal Injury
It likely comes as no surprise that drunk drivers are exceptionally dangerous drivers who cause some of the deadliest accidents on our roadways. Beverly Hills is known for its fabulous restaurants and nightlife, which lends itself to increased drunk driving rates. If you or someone you care about has been injured by a drunk driver, an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney can help. The Stats The California Office of Traffic Safety shares that there were 1,066 alcohol-related traffic fatalities in 2019 alone. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) further reports the following alcohol-related statistics: Every day in the United States, about 32 people lose their lives to drunk drivers.In 2020, there was an immense increase of 14 percent in the number of drunk driving fatalities (over 2019). In…
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