How a Wrongful Death Claim Works in California

How a Wrongful Death Claim Works in California

Wrongful death
After losing your loved one to someone else’s negligence, your family is entitled to financial compensation. First, you have to file a wrongful death claim. Here are some steps in the process. After you hire a wrongful death attorney, you will need to figure out who files the lawsuit. California law gives the list of family members who can file a claim. You can only file one lawsuit, but all eligible family members can join the case. Then, you should consider whether the estate should file a survival action for what the deceased person went through before their death. What Wrongful Death Damages Can Include Before filing the wrongful death claim, you should properly value the possible damages in the case. Wrongful death damages could include: Loss of earnings that…
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Common Fatal Injuries

Common Fatal Injuries

Wrongful death
When people die in an accident, not much is known about the actual cause of death. It is important to know this for an accident lawsuit. Here are three common fatal injuries. Head Injuries Trauma and damage to the head are the most common causes of accident-related injuries. With a brain injury, the person can suffer a hematoma and bleeding on the brain. Then, the brain could stop performing its necessary function as tissues and cells are destroyed. Blunt force trauma to the head could cause immediate death. The brain usually sends signals to heart muscles to keep pumping blood, and impact could cause this signal to stop. Loss of Blood Uncontrollable bleeding is a cause of death in many accidents. This is one that could often be prevented with…
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Possible Wrongful Death Claims from COVID-19

Possible Wrongful Death Claims from COVID-19

Wrongful death
The extent of legal claims that might result from the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis is unknown, though many people might have a right to take legal action for various reasons. If you lost a close family member who contracted the novel coronavirus, and you believe another party was to blame, you might have the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit. It is true that not every death stemming from COVID-19 will be legally actionable. However, some people contracted the virus due to the negligence of others, or they did not receive the testing or treatment they needed to survive the virus. Some examples of wrongful death claims that have been filed already are as follows: Against a nursing home - Nursing homes have been particularly high-risk facilities for COVID-19…
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