Hasta dónde llegará la compañía de seguros para desacreditar su reclamo

Hasta dónde llegará la compañía de seguros para desacreditar su reclamo

Auto Accident
Si ha resultado perjudicado por la negligencia de otro conductor, como exceso de velocidad, impedimento o distracción, el camino hacia la recuperación puede ser largo y desalentador. Si bien es cierto que al proveedor de seguros del conductor culpable se le paga específicamente con el fin de cubrir reclamos como el suyo, hará todo lo posible para mantener su acuerdo lo más bajo posible. Y cuanto más dinero esté en juego, más probable es que la compañía de seguros haga todo lo posible. Tener un abogado experimentado en accidentes automovilísticos de Beverly Hills a su lado desde el principio siempre es una buena idea. Cosas para considerar Es probable que la compañía de seguros indague un poco en su vida y extrapole a partir de ahí. Como tal, es importante…
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Cómo la reconstrucción de accidentes puede ayudar a su caso

Cómo la reconstrucción de accidentes puede ayudar a su caso

Auto Accident
Llegar al fondo de cómo ocurrió exactamente un accidente automovilístico y quién lo causó puede ser un desafío. Si bien es posible que sepa que el otro conductor salió de la nada y aceleraba como el viento, esto puede ser difícil de probar sin el testimonio convincente de testigos oculares y evidencia física, que no siempre están disponibles. Un experto en recreación de accidentes es un tercero neutral que vuelve a unir las piezas del accidente y proporciona un modelo físico que no solo respalda su contabilidad sino que permite al juez y al jurado una comprensión más clara de lo que sucedió. Su abogado experimentado en accidentes automovilísticos de Beverly Hills lo ayudará a garantizar que presente su reclamo más sólido, incluido cualquier trabajo de reconstrucción del accidente requerido.…
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Su historial de manejo y su reclamo por accidente automovilístico

Su historial de manejo y su reclamo por accidente automovilístico

Auto Accident
Si ha resultado perjudicado por la negligencia de otro conductor, puede enfrentar pérdidas considerables, y es fundamental obtener la compensación a la que tiene derecho. Si tiene otro accidente o dos en su registro de manejo, puede preguntarse cómo eso puede afectar su reclamo actual, y es una buena pregunta. El hecho es que un abogado experimentado en accidentes automovilísticos de Beverly Hills puede ayudarlo a guiar su reclamo hacia el mejor resultado posible, independientemente de las complicaciones involucradas. Su reclamo por accidente automovilístico Su reclamo actual debe basarse en las circunstancias y la evidencia involucrada, pero puede contar con que la compañía de seguros investigue tanto como pueda y use todo lo que encuentre para desacreditar su reclamo. Es probable que cualquier abolladura en su registro de manejo sea…
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The Car Insurance Company Says I’m at Fault

The Car Insurance Company Says I’m at Fault

Auto Accident
If you have been injured by a  distracted, speeding, impaired, or otherwise negligent driver, you’ll file your claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance provider. It probably comes as no surprise that the insurance company will do what it can to keep your settlement low, but you might be surprised if the company flips the script and attempts to blame you for the accident in the first place. Instead of throwing up your hands and walking away, seek the skilled legal guidance of an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney. Strictly Facts Car accident claims are based on facts, and while the insurance company is profit focused and will offload any claims that it can by nearly any means it can, this does not mean that its assessment of your fault…
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Is the Car Accident Settlement Offer Enough?

Is the Car Accident Settlement Offer Enough?

Auto Accident
If you have been injured by another driver’s negligence, such as impairment or exhaustion, you are facing a difficult path forward, and receiving an early settlement offer from the insurance company can feel like the answer to at least some of your problems. Accepting an early, lowball settlement offer before you’re aware of the full extent of your losses, however, can set you up for serious financial and physical challenges ahead. Before accepting a settlement offer from the insurance company, it’s always in your best interest to consult with an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney who is well acquainted with your unique claim. The Insurance Company’s Position The insurance company handling your claim is in business for one reason, and that is to make money. One tactic at its…
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What Makes Motorcycle Accidents So Dangerous?

What Makes Motorcycle Accidents So Dangerous?

Motorcycle Accident
Your bike is a great way to get out and enjoy the heck out of California’s beautiful highways and byways, but if you’re injured by another driver’s negligence in the process, it puts you in a very challenging position. The fact is that motorcycle accidents are some of the most dangerous on our roadways, and the associated losses tend to be immense. If someone else’s negligence leaves you injured in a motorcycle accident, an experienced Beverly Hills motorcycle accident attorney can help.   The Risk Factors When you’re on your bike, there is a range of additional risk factors that apply, including: Because you take up less space, you’re more difficult to see, which makes distracted drivers that much more dangerous for you. Your size makes you far more vulnerable…
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Injured in a Car Accident? What You Shouldn’t Do

Injured in a Car Accident? What You Shouldn’t Do

Auto Accident
If you have been injured by a speeding, distracted, impaired, or otherwise negligent driver, your claim will be unique to the circumstances involved. There are, however, certain things that no claimant should ever do, and an experienced Beverly Hills car accident lawyer will help ensure that you steer clear of these pitfalls. Protect Your Claim In order to protect your claim, you are well advised to avoid all the following as you move forward toward recovery: Do not refuse medical assistance at the scene of the accident, and if it’s not offered, seek the medical attention you need as soon as possible. Do not ignore your doctor’s instructions and advice. The best way to support your recovery and your claim is by diligently following the medical advice you’re provided.Do not…
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Will My Car Accident Claim Go to Trial?

Will My Car Accident Claim Go to Trial?

Auto Accident
If you have been injured by another driver’s negligence, you have enough on your plate, and the thought of going to trial may be more than you can handle. The truth is, however, that your claim is far more likely to settle out of court, and if it is necessary to go to court – in order to obtain the compensation that you need and to which you are entitled – your experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney will be well prepared to do so. Settling Your Car Accident Claim You will file your car accident claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance provider and will negotiate for compensation that fairly covers your full range of physical, financial, and emotional damages. Your car accident attorney will gather all the relevant evidence…
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The Risks of Distracted Driving

The Risks of Distracted Driving

Auto Accident
While dangerous driving comes in far too many forms, distracted driving is one of the most dangerous. As motorists, we owe one another a serious duty of care, and distraction flies in the face of this responsibility. If you have been injured by another driver’s distraction, seek the legal guidance of an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney today. The Statistics The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shares that distracted drivers claimed the lives of 3,142 victims in 2020 alone. Consider the following statistics reported by CDC regarding a recent year: A full 9 percent of fatal accidents and 15 percent of injury-causing accidents were distraction-related. Approximately 424,000 people were injured by distracted drivers, and another 3,142 were killed. The most alarming distraction of all, according to CDC,…
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Road Construction: Staying Safe out There

Road Construction: Staying Safe out There

Auto Accident
There is no denying that California sees its fair share of road construction, and driving through road construction leaves you at greater risk of being injured in an accident – especially when negligent motorists are in your midst. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help you handle road construction more safely, and if you are injured by another driver’s negligence in the process, an experienced Beverly Hills car accident attorney can help. Protect Yourself As you head into road construction, keep all of the following safety tips in mind: Remain alert to your surroundings. Road construction involves a lot of moving parts, and you should expect the unexpected.Strictly follow the posted speed limit, and if you need to decrease your speed further for safety’s sake, do so.…
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