RV and Motorhome Accidents

RV and Motorhome Accidents

Personal Injury
There is something to be said for heading out on the open road with all the comforts of home in tow. However, when recreational vehicles are involved in accidents, their immense size helps to ensure that they are very dangerous accidents. If a negligent motorist behind the wheel of a recreational vehicle leaves you injured, consulting with an experienced Beverly Hills RV and motorhome accident lawyer sooner rather than later is in your best interest. Manning a Recreational Vehicle Safely Requires More Care When a motorist climbs behind the wheel of an RV or motorhome, he or she takes on the immense responsibility of driving the massive machine safely – in relation to all the other vehicles out there. These small homes on wheels are more difficult to drive safely…
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Proving a Premises Liability Claim

Proving a Premises Liability Claim

Personal Injury
Premises liability claims relate to accidents that occur on the premises of commercial properties that their owners or managers fail to adequately maintain. Slip and fall accidents are a common example. The accidents that lead to premises liability claims are often very serious. If you’ve suffered an injury that was caused by a commercial property owner’s negligence, it’s time to consult with an experienced Beverly Hills premises liability attorney. The Elements of Your Premises Liability Claim In order to bring a successful premises liability claim, you must demonstrate that specific elements apply, including: You were at the property as an invited guest. Whenever we enter businesses where they welcome trade – such as stores, restaurants, medical facilities, and much more – as customers, clients, or patients, we are considered invited…
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How Does Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse Happen?

How Does Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse Happen?

Personal Injury
There are few civil claims that are as disturbing as those related to a loved one being harmed by nursing home neglect or abuse. Nursing homes are in the business of helping the most vulnerable among us live fuller, more well-rounded lives, and when an aging resident is harmed by either neglect or abuse in the process, it is devastating – but more common than you may realize. If your aging relative has suffered as a result of nursing home neglect or abuse, don’t delay reaching out and consulting with an experienced Beverly Hills nursing home neglect/abuse attorney. Nursing Home Neglect While nursing home neglect lacks the element of intention involved in nursing home abuse, the effects can be just as damaging. The residents of nursing homes require care, and…
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Burn Injury Claims

Burn Injury Claims

Personal Injury
While personal injury law covers a wide range of frightening accidents that lead to painful injuries, few are more so than those that cause burn injuries. Serious burn injuries can cause systemic health concerns that are life altering. If someone else’s negligence causes you to suffer a burn injury, turn to the professional legal guidance of an experienced Beverly Hills burn injury attorney. Burn Injuries Burn injuries are among the most painful injuries you can suffer, and the associated damage can be far more serious than external burns alone. A serious burn can damage the underlying muscle, ligaments, and tendons in the affected area and can even damage the underlying bone. Further, life-threatening infections, such as sepsis are closely associated with serious burns. Additional complications can include: Permanent disfigurementThickening and…
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Personal Injury
Si cree que los accidentes de peatones solo ocurren cuando los peatones cruzan la calle imprudentemente o se ponen en peligro, se equivoca. El hecho es que muchas lesiones de peatones que resultan de accidentes que involucran vehículos motorizados ocurren cuando un peatón está ejerciendo su derecho de paso al cruzar un cruce de peatones, y un automovilista comete un error de juicio o no presta atención o está intoxicado y no se detiene o evita atropellar a ese peatón. Solo en el 2006, hubo 5,000 muertes reportadas por peatones arrollados mientras cruzaban un cruce de peatones. Solo en California, 893 peatones murieron en las carreteras de California solo en 2018. Además, la tasa de muertes de peatones en accidentes de tránsito en California es un 25 % más alta…
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Personal Injury
If you think that pedestrian accidents only occur when pedestrians jaywalk or otherwise put themselves in harm's way, you are mistaken. The fact is that many pedestrian injuries resulting from accidents involving motor vehicles occur when a pedestrian is exercising their right of way in traversing a crosswalk, and a motorist makes an error in judgment or is inattentive or intoxicated and fails to stop or avoid hitting that pedestrian. In 2006 alone, there were 5,000 reported deaths from pedestrians being hit while crossing a crosswalk. In California alone, 893 pedestrians were killed on California roadways in 2018 alone. Furthermore, California's pedestrian fatality rate in traffic accidents is a whopping 25% higher than the national average of all states, and no single state has more pedestrian fatalities from roadway accidents…
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Pedestrian Accidents at Night

Pedestrian Accidents at Night

Personal Injury
Pedestrian fatalities have increased dramatically over the past decade, and the problem is only getting worse. The biggest risk to pedestrians is when they venture out at night. The problem is even worse in an urban area. The Los Angeles area is the unfortunate perfect storm for pedestrian accidents, especially at night. Los Angelinos like to take advantage of the nightlife options in the area, and they are on the streets after dark. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. So long as they are crossing at intersections and crosswalks, the duty falls on the driver to be careful and avoid hitting them. Drivers Pay Even Less Attention at Night The issue is that drivers do not exercise the proper care. They are even less responsible at night when there…
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Common Injuries in Pedestrian Accidents

Common Injuries in Pedestrian Accidents

Personal Injury
Pedestrians are particularly vulnerable to injuries when struck by cars. Despite all the fluorescent and reflective paint, crosswalks, and traffic signals, pedestrians still get seriously injured year after year. Amputation An amputation is when an arm or leg becomes so badly damaged in an accident that it must be removed in order to save the person’s life (or if the limb is severed completely during the accident). Losing a limb often comes with a high degree of physical and emotional agony (phantom pain, trauma, depression). With extensive therapy and time, amputees can re-learn to walk, eat, drive, write, and so on. However, they often require expensive and specialized equipment in order to do so, not to mention costly modifications to their homes and vehicles. A non-specialty prosthetic leg, for example,…
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Pedestrian Risks in Beverly Hills

Pedestrian Risks in Beverly Hills

Personal Injury
Pedestrian accidents can cause extremely serious injuries. In fact, they can leave victims with long-term medical problems or disabilities. Beverly Hills is a bustling neighborhood of one of the world’s biggest cities, Los Angeles. As a result, pedestrian accidents occur here with unfortunate regularity. Covid Increased Pedestrian Traffic Although most of us are no longer in strict quarantine, there are still a lot of people working remotely who need to go walk around the block once or twice a day to get their blood pumping and enjoy some fresh air. Because of this, there is more pedestrian traffic than usual. The Beverly Hills police department reported to the Beverly Hills Courier that, since 2019, there has been a dramatic surge in pedestrian accidents. In fact, 25% of California car accidents…
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Medical Treatment for Brain Injuries

Medical Treatment for Brain Injuries

Personal Injury
If you or someone you love has suffered a brain injury, it is easy to get overwhelmed just thinking about the health issues. It is crucial, however, to contact a Beverly Hills injury attorney as soon as possible. Our injury attorneys are committed to helping brain injury victims obtain the compensation they deserve under California law. Concussions and Mild TBI Treatment After a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury, follow your doctor’s orders, avoid drugs and alcohol, get as much rest as possible–particularly from your screens and things that tire the brain (reading, crossword puzzles). Concussions that don’t heal properly can lead to further problems later on. Blood Clots The emergency medical team should check for blood clots as those can be associated with brain injuries. When the brain bleeds,…
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