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Cómo Un Accidente de Auto Puede Cambiar su Vida

Cómo Un Accidente de Auto Puede Cambiar su Vida

Auto Accident
Los Accidentes de Auto ocurren en un instante, pero pueden cambiar su vida de muchas maneras durante semanas, meses o incluso años. Si sufre algunas lesiones en un choque, es posible que sienta los efectos de esas lesiones durante mucho tiempo. Si su vida fue interrumpida por un accidente y cree que alguien más fue el culpable, debe discutir sus derechos con un Abogado de Accidentes de Auto en Beverly Hills de inmediato. Los siguientes son solo algunos ejemplos de cómo un accidente automovilístico puede cambiar su vida. Cuidado Médico A nadie le gusta someterse a un tratamiento médico y muchas víctimas de accidentes automovilísticos requieren una atención extensa. Esto puede incluir: ● Atención de Emergencia y Evaluaciones de Diagnóstico. ● Cirugía ● Hospitalización ● Terapia de Rehabilitación ● Citas…
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Los Accidentes de Auto Pueden Resultar en Lesiones Catastróficas

Los Accidentes de Auto Pueden Resultar en Lesiones Catastróficas

Auto Accident
Los Accidentes de Auto pueden variar ampliamente en severidad, así como también lo pueden hacer las lesiones que resulten. Algunas personas pueden salid de una escena de un accidente con apenas un rasguño. Otras sostienen lesiones que alteran la vida completamente y por siempre. Los choques pueden resultar en lesiones catastróficas, que son lesiones que afectan el funcionamiento de su cerebro, médula espinal u otras partes del cuerpo. Las lesiones catastróficas por accidentes de tráfico pueden incluir: ● Lesión Cerebral Traumática (LCT), que puede causar un coma prolongado y deficiencias cognitivas y físicas permanentes ● Lesión de la Médula Espinal (LME), que puede provocar una parálisis permanente debajo de la ubicación de la lesión. ● Quemaduras de tercer grado, que pueden causar desfiguración permanente, pérdida del uso de una parte…
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Car Accidents Result from Speeding

Car Accidents Result from Speeding

There are many reasons why car accidents happen, and speeding is a leading cause. Speed limits exist to ensure that drivers maintain a safe speed based on the nature of individual roads or highways. However, we all know that there are many drivers who ignore speed limits and drive dangerously fast, which can cause them to crash. Speeding can result in: Losing control on curves or turnsRollovers accidentsRear-end crashes because a driver could not stop in time Higher speeds can also increase the severity of a crash. Driving Too Fast for Conditions Some drivers might be within the posted speed limit, but that limit might be too high for the road, traffic, or weather conditions at the time. For example, you would not travel 60 miles per hour on a…
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Did a Drunk Driver Hit You on New Year’s?

Did a Drunk Driver Hit You on New Year’s?

Auto Accident
Many of us were happy to ring in a new year and say goodbye to 2020. Unfortunately, for many people, New Year’s Eve was severely disrupted by a car accident. Many people drive home after celebrating the new year with champagne and other drinks, and each year, they cause serious accidents and injuries to others. Were you hit by a drunk driver on December 31st? If so, you have important legal rights, and you should consult with a car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills as soon as possible. The following are some things to keep in mind. Follow the Doctor’s Orders If you suffered injuries, they should be diagnosed, and you should start treatment right away. Then, it is important for you to closely follow all treatment recommendations from medical…
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“Fender-Benders” Can Cause Serious Injuries

“Fender-Benders” Can Cause Serious Injuries

Auto Accident
Rear-end collisions are some of the most common car accidents that happen in the Beverly Hills area. These collisions often happen in slower-moving traffic, which led to the nickname of “fender-bender.” Fender-benders are considered to be relatively minor accidents, only resulting in minor property damage. However, this nickname is misleading, as even a so-called fender-bender can result in serious injuries to victims. Some injuries that are common in rear-end collisions include: Whiplash - This type of neck injury is closely associated with fender-benders, as it happens when your head moves forward and back quickly, like the cracking of a whip. This causes soft tissue strains, sprains, or tears. Dislocations - The impact from a rear vehicle can jolt your body, which can lead to dislocations of joints, such as your…
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Can a Company be Liable for Your Car Crash?

Can a Company be Liable for Your Car Crash?

Auto Accident
When you think of what causes car accidents, you likely first think about other drivers. While negligent drivers are the leading cause of crashes, there are other parties that might be liable for accidents and injuries in certain situations, including corporations. Companies generally have more substantial insurance coverage than individual drivers, so it is important to identify when you might be able to seek financial recovery from a company. A car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills will determine all potentially liable parties in your case, including businesses. Employer Liability Sometimes, people are negligent and cause injuries while they are working. In this situation, the law holds employers strictly liable for the harm caused by negligent employees. Even if the company itself did nothing wrong, it can be held liable for…
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How a Car Crash Can Upend Your Life

How a Car Crash Can Upend Your Life

Auto Accident
Car accidents happen in an instant, but they can change your life in many ways for weeks, months, or even years to come. If you suffer certain injuries in a crash, you might feel the effects of those injuries for a long time. If your life was disrupted by an accident and you think someone else was to blame, you should discuss your rights with a car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills right away. The following are only some examples of how a car crash can upend your life. Medical Care No one likes undergoing medical treatment, and many car accident victims require extensive care. This can include: Emergency care and diagnostic testingSurgeryHospitalizationRehabilitative therapySpecialist appointmentsMedications and medical equipment Not only does this treatment take time and energy, but it also…
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Car Accidents Can Result in Catastrophic Injuries

Car Accidents Can Result in Catastrophic Injuries

Auto Accident
Car accidents can widely range in severity, as can the injuries that result. Some people are able to walk away from a crash scene with hardly a scratch. Others sustain injuries that are completely and forever life-altering. Crashes can result in catastrophic injuries, which are injuries that impact the functioning of your brain, spinal cord, or other body parts. Catastrophic injuries from traffic wrecks can include: Traumatic brain injury (TBI), which can cause long-term coma and permanent cognitive and physical impairmentsSpinal cord injury (SCI), which can result in permanent paralysis below the location of the injuryThird-degree burns, which might cause permanent disfigurement, loss of use of a body part, or even amputationAmputation, which removes an extremity, appendage, or limb These injuries require immediate trauma care and emergency transportation with the…
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Fractures from Car Accidents

Fractures from Car Accidents

Auto Accident
Car crashes can cause trauma to many parts of your body. One common injury from car accidents is a fractured bone - often called a broken bone. When we are young, fractures are common and might even seem like a rite of passage for some. However, fractures from car accidents can be serious injuries that might even have lasting effects on victims’ lives. Fracture Complications Even a straightforward fracture can require professional diagnosis and treatment, and it likely will prevent you from using that part of your body for several weeks. Fractures can also be much more serious, as complications can arise. For example, compound fractures - also called open fractures - happen when a piece of your bone pierces through the skin. This leaves an open wound that is…
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Should You File Your Own Car Accident Insurance Claim?

Should You File Your Own Car Accident Insurance Claim?

Auto Accident
After a car accident, every driver should know to stop and exchange information with the other driver. It is also important to call 911 if there are any injuries or property damage to report. You should then seek the medical treatment you need for any injuries, which can result in medical bills. But what happens next? If you believe - or know - that another driver is at fault, should you simply file an insurance claim with their insurance company? Some people might suggest that you hire a lawyer, but is it possible to just handle the claim yourself? There is no requirement in California that you hire a lawyer to file your car accident insurance claim. If your damages are minimal and liability is undisputed, you might easily handle…
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