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How a Wrongful Death Claim Works in California

How a Wrongful Death Claim Works in California

Wrongful death
After losing your loved one to someone else’s negligence, your family is entitled to financial compensation. First, you have to file a wrongful death claim. Here are some steps in the process. After you hire a wrongful death attorney, you will need to figure out who files the lawsuit. California law gives the list of family members who can file a claim. You can only file one lawsuit, but all eligible family members can join the case. Then, you should consider whether the estate should file a survival action for what the deceased person went through before their death. What Wrongful Death Damages Can Include Before filing the wrongful death claim, you should properly value the possible damages in the case. Wrongful death damages could include: Loss of earnings that…
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How a Brain Injury Can Affect Your Career

How a Brain Injury Can Affect Your Career

Personal Injury
One of the common elements of accident-related damage is lost wages. You can also be paid when an accident injury cuts your ability to earn money. One common injury that does this is a brain injury (TBI). Here is how a TBI could harm your career. Concentration A TBI could impact your ability to concentrate. In any profession, you need to be able to think about what you are doing.  You may also not be able to think when you are subject to stress because your brain injury overloads you. Your ability to think could suffer depending on where your brain was damaged. Irritability TBIs also cause people to become irritable. Oftentimes, they cannot process emotions in the same way as others. In a work setting, it could mean that…
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Crush Injuries and Possible Complications

Crush Injuries and Possible Complications

Auto Accident
Severe crush injuries do not just impact the limb. This can even be a life-threatening injury and can have far-reaching ramifications. This could result in a larger settlement check when someone else is to blame for the accident. How Crush Injuries Happen Usually, crush injuries happen when a part of the body is caught between two heavy objects. This often results from vehicular crashes or work accidents. The body could be caught under the car before the victim is freed. Crush injuries happen when there is an extreme external force on the limbs or torso. This results in severe compression, which impacts the internal tissue. The problem is that the impact does not recede when the force goes away. Instead, it could result in necrosis and permanent damage to the…
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Brain Injury Diagnosis after an Accident

Brain Injury Diagnosis after an Accident

Personal Injury
Accident victims benefit from getting prompt medical care after an accident. In some cases, they have suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBI), but the impact is not apparent until days or months afterward. Here is what people should do to have their brain injuries diagnosed. Get Medical Help If there has been any type of force of trauma, you should see a neurologist. Even if you don’t feel injured, you should still get checked out extensively. Many people don’t realize that they have suffered a TBI because the effects take some time to surface. Getting a prompt diagnosis could start the process of treating the injury. Any delays in treatment could result in the condition worsening. How Brain Injuries Are Diagnosed Doctors could use the following tests to diagnose a brain…
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Disabilities and Disfigurement from Severe Burn Injuries

Disabilities and Disfigurement from Severe Burn Injuries

Personal Injury
Not only are burn injuries intensely painful, but they leave victims with lifetime injuries. This means that the pain and suffering from burn injuries could be considerable. Here are some long-term effects of burn injuries. Burn injuries stem from trauma from which skin will often not recover. They can lead to permanent disfigurement and other conditions. In the short term, burns cause a severe inflammatory response as the body seeks to recover. This can damage other things in the body. In some cases, this can cause organ failure, infection, and death. Burn Victims May Have Their Lives Permanently Impacted Burn victims will likely need years of surgeries and skin grafts to even partially recover. In the meantime, they will suffer intense pain. Their skin will be visibly scarred and disfigured,…
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Common Fatal Injuries

Common Fatal Injuries

Wrongful death
When people die in an accident, not much is known about the actual cause of death. It is important to know this for an accident lawsuit. Here are three common fatal injuries. Head Injuries Trauma and damage to the head are the most common causes of accident-related injuries. With a brain injury, the person can suffer a hematoma and bleeding on the brain. Then, the brain could stop performing its necessary function as tissues and cells are destroyed. Blunt force trauma to the head could cause immediate death. The brain usually sends signals to heart muscles to keep pumping blood, and impact could cause this signal to stop. Loss of Blood Uncontrollable bleeding is a cause of death in many accidents. This is one that could often be prevented with…
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Señales	de Conductores	Intoxicados

Señales de Conductores Intoxicados

Auto Accident
Conducir en estado de ebriedad es un factor en más de una cuarta parte de todas las muertes por accidentes de tránsito en los Estados Unidos. Si bien a menudo es difícil evitar a los conductores ebrios, aquí hay algunas señales de que un conductor puede estar ebrio. Diferencia de Velocidad Los conductores ebrios rara vez viajan cerca del límite de velocidad, ya que la percepción y los sentidos del conductor están sesgados por el alcohol. O viajan muy por encima del límite de velocidad o muy por debajo de él. Los Focos Están Apagados Encender los focos es una de las cosas básicas que debe hacer cuando enciende el automóvil. Excepto que no es así para alguien que está ebrio porque olvida incluso este simple paso. La mayoría de…
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Debería Llamar al 911	Después de un Accidente	 Automovilístico?

Debería Llamar al 911 Después de un Accidente Automovilístico?

Auto Accident
Mucha gente nos pregunta si deben comunicarse con el 911 después de un accidente automovilístico. Nuestra respuesta es siempre sí. Hay dos razones principales para ello. La Policía Vendrá En realidad, quiere que la policía esté en la escena de cada accidente automovilístico. Una vez que sean llamados, emitirán un informe policial del accidente. Si bien esto no es admisible como prueba si su caso va a juicio, así es como se podría utilizar el informe policial: ● La compañía de seguros revisará el informe policial al determinar la responsabilidad. ● Si el otro conductor ha violado la ley, puede ser evidencia de negligencia. ● El informe policial puede identificar a los testigos que podrían ser llamados a declarar en el juicio. Además, desea que la policía esté en la…
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Abril es	el Mes de la	Concientización	sobre	Conducción Distraída

Abril es el Mes de la Concientización sobre Conducción Distraída

Auto Accident
El problema de la conducción distraída sigue siendo tan grave que es necesaria una campaña pública de sensibilización. Esto sucede todos los años en abril, donde se realizan esfuerzos para educar al público sobre los peligros de conducir distraído. Este esfuerzo intenta enseñar a los conductores lo que sucede cuando apartan la vista del camino. Por supuesto, el ejemplo clásico de conducción distraída es cuando un automovilista lee su teléfono o envía un mensaje de texto mientras conduce. La verdad es que conducir distraído es mucho más que eso, incluso comer detrás del volante o participar en una conversación intensa puede distraer peligrosamente. Cualquier cosa que le impida concentrarse por completo mientras conduce un automóvil podría considerarse conducción distraída. Estadísticas sobre Conducción Distraída A continuación, presentamos algunas estadísticas alarmantes que…
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Cuánto Vale su Reclamo	por	Accidente Automovilístico

Cuánto Vale su Reclamo por Accidente Automovilístico

Auto Accident
Esta es quizás la pregunta número uno que siempre nos hacen en una consulta inicial. La respuesta que generalmente damos es que debemos mirar más de cerca, pero debemos tener una buena idea de cuánto podría recibir cuando revisemos sus registros. Esto se debe a que su cheque de liquidación dependería de cuánto haya sufrido personalmente. Su indemnización por accidente automovilístico cubriría daños económicos y no económicos. Los daños económicos le devuelven el dinero que realmente perdió. Esto incluye cosas como: ● Salarios perdidos ● Facturas médicas ● Daños a su propiedad Los daños no económicos están destinados a pagarle por su experiencia. Esto incluiría cosas como dolor y sufrimiento, angustia emocional y pérdida del disfrute de la vida. Puede estar seguro de que la compañía de seguros tendrá una…
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