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How Tailgating and Brake Checking Lead to Crashes

How Tailgating and Brake Checking Lead to Crashes

Auto Accident
Tailgating is a common behavior on the road that is considered to be a form of aggressive driving. When a driver thinks that you are driving too slowly or they want you to move over so they can pass you, they might start following you very closely, which can be stressful.   This practice can result in accidents and injuries to many motorists. Tailgating First, tailgating can be distracting for the front driver, especially if they do not have a chance to move out of the lane right away. The front driver will naturally be focusing on the menacing driver behind them instead of the road ahead, which can lead to mistakes. Further, following too closely does not give the rear driver enough room to slow down or stop if the…
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Car Crash Risks on Road Trips

Car Crash Risks on Road Trips

Auto Accident
As spring break is right around the corner and summer break is in sight, many families are planning road trips. Road trips are also a popular form of travel with COVID-19 concerns, keeping many people off planes. If your family is headed out on a road trip, you should keep the possible risks of a crash in mind. Fatigue Road trips involve long hours on the highway, and some people try to get as far as possible before stopping for the night. This can result in fatigue, and drowsy driving can be similarly dangerous to drunk driving. Always pull over or switch drivers if you are getting at all fatigued. Further, stay aware that other drivers - including truck drivers - might be fatigued, as well. Distraction Driving for long…
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Should You Start Your Car Accident Claim Without an Attorney

Should You Start Your Car Accident Claim Without an Attorney

Auto Accident
After a car accident and injuries, the medical bills and other expenses can pile up quickly. Many people feel financial stress, especially if they cannot work for a period of time due to their injuries. It is only natural to be eager to start the insurance process and get a check in your hand. The car accident claim process might seem pretty straightforward to you - if the at-fault driver has insurance, you should just be able to file a claim and collect your payment, right? Unfortunately, this is not how it goes for many people who file their own claims. It is always wise to start the claim process with the help of a Beverly Hills car accident attorney. Potential Roadblocks If you file your own claim, there are…
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Liability Issues in Chain Reaction Crashes

Liability Issues in Chain Reaction Crashes

Auto Accident
There are few types of accidents that are more frightening than a chain reaction car crash. Typically, these accidents involve one car striking another that hits another vehicle, and so on. One particularly dangerous kind of chain reaction is a pile-up, in which an accident occurs, and oncoming drivers are unable to stop before hitting the disabled vehicles. When multiple drivers are involved in accidents, the issue of fault can become very complicated, quickly. For example, if you are sitting at a stoplight and a car rear-ends you and causes you to hit the car in front of you, are you liable? The answer to this question is “probably not,” as nothing you did caused the damage to the vehicle in front of you. Instead, the driver who hit you…
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Drunk Drivers on St. Patrick’s Day

Drunk Drivers on St. Patrick’s Day

Auto Accident
With March 17th around the corner, many people throughout the United States and Beverly Hills are getting ready to celebrate St. Paddy’s day. While celebrations may look a little different this year due to the safety concerns associated with the pandemic, it’s a safe bet that many people will do what they can to observe the holiday. St. Patrick’s Day is often marked by parades, traditional Irish food, and alcoholic beverages. Green beer and Irish whiskey tend to flow liberally on the 17th, and sometimes the celebration goes a little too far with intoxicated people getting behind the wheel. If you are injured by a drunk driver, there is a good chance that you will be able to recover compensation for your accident-related losses. That said, it’s likely that you’d…
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How Car Accident Claims Work in California

How Car Accident Claims Work in California

Auto Accident
The weeks and months after a car accident can be confusing and scary, especially if you are dealing with significant medical expenses, repair bills, and missed work. If your crash was caused by someone else’s carelessness, there’s a good chance that you will be able to get compensation by filing a car accident claim. Below we discuss some of the main steps in the car accident claim process. For more information, call us today to discuss your case with a Beverly Hills car accident attorney. Submitting a Claim The first thing you will need to do is make a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Before you do this, however, it’s a good idea to talk to a lawyer. An attorney will ensure that your claim is submitted on…
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Why Would the Insurance Company Deny Your Car Accident Claim?

Why Would the Insurance Company Deny Your Car Accident Claim?

Auto Accident
After a car accident, people rightfully expect that the insurance company will treat them fairly and provide them with compensation for their accident-related losses. Unfortunately, all too often, victims have to fight for the compensation they deserve under California law when they should be focusing on their mental and physical recovery. To understand why insurance companies deny claims and offer lowball settlements, it’s helpful to consider their business model. Fundamentally, insurance companies make money by collecting more in premiums than they pay out in claims. As a result, they do everything they can to deny claims or settle them for as little as possible. Some of the more common reasons insurance companies deny claims include: Liability disputesLack of medical documentationCategorizing your injuries as a pre-existing conditionFailure to get treatment right…
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Don’t Ignore Signs of Car Accident Injuries

Don’t Ignore Signs of Car Accident Injuries

Auto Accident
Car crashes are jarring events, and you can feel shaken up afterward. Some people think that feeling disoriented or sore is to be expected after a collision - after all, it was unexpected, stressful, and you experienced an impact. However, in reality, feeling disoriented, sore, stiff, or similar sensations can be the signs of serious injuries. Being tired, having a headache, and feeling dizzy or “out of it” are all commonly written off after a crash. These can actually be the effects of a concussion, which could worsen with time or develop into a more serious condition if you do not get the diagnosis and treatment recommendations you need. In addition, you might expect to be sore or stiff - especially in your neck and shoulders - if your head…
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Bad Things Can When Drivers Run Red Lights

Bad Things Can When Drivers Run Red Lights

Auto Accident
Running a red light is one of the most dangerous things a driver can do. Unfortunately, most drivers have stepped on the gas to “beat” a yellow light a little too late and blown through an intersection while the right was red. Fortunately for victims, when drivers who run red lights cause accidents, they are typically entitled to compensation under California law. What Makes Running Red Lights so Dangerous? Traffic signals are typically at intersections, many of which involve streets with traffic traveling perpendicularly. A red light, of course, is an indication to stop and let traffic on the other street travel forward. When a driver runs a red light, he or she runs the risk of T-boning a driver that is completely unprepared to stop or avoid them. After…
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Treatment in the ER After a Car Accident

Treatment in the ER After a Car Accident

Auto Accident
After a car accident, always do a quick self-assessment to see if you might have suffered injuries. In some situations, injuries will be clear, and you might need an ambulance ride. In others, you might not be sure whether you should go to the emergency room after you are okay to leave the scene of the crash. It is always a good idea to get checked out in the ER and to know what to expect. First, doctors will ask about your symptoms if you are able to answer questions. They might perform diagnostic tests depending on the symptoms you’re presenting. These can include: MRIsX-raysCT scansVisual examinations of woundsConcussion protocol tests If they diagnose injuries, your ER treatment will vary depending on the nature of your injuries. You might need…
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