When Is It Time To Call A Car Accident Attorney?

When Is It Time To Call A Car Accident Attorney?

Auto Accident
When you are injured in a car accident, your first priority should be your safety and getting the medical care you need for your injuries.  The second task you must undertake as a victim is gathering as much evidence about the crash scene and its cause as possible, including giving the police your side of the story to go in the report. After all of this, it is time to contact a car accident attorney in order to ensure you protect your rights to a legal claim arising from the accident. Whether you sustain an injury immediately after the accident occurs or whether you only start to feel an injury days later following the accident, the discovery of an injury means it is time to contact an attorney who handles…
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Do All Spinal Injuries from Crashes Cause Paralysis?

Do All Spinal Injuries from Crashes Cause Paralysis?

Auto Accident
A spinal cord injury (SCI) is damage to the tight bundle of cells and nerves that sends and receives signals from the brain to and from the rest of the body. The spinal cord extends from the lower part of the brain down through the lower back. Spinal cord injuries can be caused by direct injury to the spinal cord itself or from damage to the tissue and bones (vertebrae) that surround the spinal cord. This damage can result in temporary or permanent changes in sensation, movement, strength, and body functions below the site of injury. The expected loss of motor function and degree of paralysis one can expect from a spinal cord injury hinges on where along the spinal cord the injury occurred and the severity of the injury.  Not…
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Will You Be Hospitalized After a Car Crash?

Will You Be Hospitalized After a Car Crash?

Auto Accident
If you go to the emergency room for injuries from a car crash, will the doctors keep you in the hospital? This will depend on the nature of your injuries, as patients with catastrophic injuries will often need constant medical care in the days following the accident. Other patients might go home with a treatment plan they need to follow. Some reasons that a patient might have to stay in the hospital include: They are unconscious or in a comaThey need emergency surgery or surgery in the coming daysInfection monitoring and prevention with burns or similar injuriesInternal organ damageTo monitor and control brain or spinal swellingTo monitor and control internal hemorrhaging A patient might be admitted to the general hospital or the intensive care unit (ICU). Hospitalization can be costly,…
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Distracted Driving is a Public Safety Issue

Distracted Driving is a Public Safety Issue

Auto Accident
According to Go Safely California, nearly 60% of California drivers surveyed in 2019 said they had been hit or nearly hit by a driver who was talking or texting on the phone. Nationally, 3,166 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers in 2017, the most recent year statistics are available. Distracted driving is a very serious and dangerous problem that is not limited to talking or texting on a cell phone. There are all manner of behaviors drivers engage in that end up distracting them from focusing on driving and often causing accidents. Some of these other distractions besides talking on the phone and texting include the following: ·                   Eating and/or drinking ·                   Having exciting conversations with other passengers ·                   Reading books and other…
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What are Your Rights if a Drunk Driver Killed Your Spouse?

What are Your Rights if a Drunk Driver Killed Your Spouse?

Auto Accident
More than 10,000 people in the United States die each year in crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than ten percent of those fatalities occurred here in California. If your spouse is one of those unfortunately killed by a drunk driver, this information may be useful to you in understanding what you need to do during this difficult time. If your spouse was killed by a drunk driver, then California law entitles you as a surviving spouse compensation for the negligent killing of your spouse. Though in a grieving period which is often difficult and too emotional, it is important to talk to an experienced wrongful death lawyer who can explain to you what your rights are. The Right to…
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What Happens After a Hit-and-Run?

What Happens After a Hit-and-Run?

Auto Accident
California law defines a hit and run offense as when a person: Leaves the scene where he or she hit another vehicleFails to identify themselves fully to the other driver or others involvedDamages property or causes injury to another person Hit and runs are classified as either misdemeanors or felonies. A crash is a misdemeanor if it only causes damage to property. However, if the hit-and-run crash causes injury, then it is classified as a felony. These categories hold notwithstanding how serious or minor the accident is. The misdemeanor/felony classification applies the same without regard as to who is at fault in the hit and run crash, the amount of damage done, or even how severe the injuries are. Recovery of Damages After Hit and Run One of the primary…
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Crashes Due to Speeding Drivers

Crashes Due to Speeding Drivers

Auto Accident
According to National Highway Traffic Safety, speeding has been a major factor in approximately one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities going back for more than 20 years. Put another way, speed kills. In 2019 alone, speeding was a contributing if not the sole factor in 26% of all traffic fatalities. Speed kills because it affects your safety regardless of whether you are driving at, below, or above-posted speed limits. For example, even if you are driving at the posted speed limit, the speed at which you are driving could be too fast for existing road conditions, such as during inclement weather, when a road is under maintenance, driving in unfamiliar places or through an area at night which is not well lit. Even if speed does not kill, it endangers…
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Drunk Drivers are Always a Risk on the Road

Drunk Drivers are Always a Risk on the Road

Auto Accident
Drunk driving is not only risky behavior, but also often deadly. It is also a crime with varying levels of punishment besides destroying lives. According to the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, there were 1,069 alcohol-impaired driving fatalities in California in 2018, the latest year statistics are available. That number was 10,011 nationally. How Alcohol Impedes Driving Ability Alcohol affects the human body in so many ways, including reduction of the brain’s functioning ability, adversely affecting one’s thinking ability, reasoning as well as muscle coordination. All these are abilities that are essential for one to drive safely. As one’s alcohol levels rise in their system, the adverse effect on the central nervous system increases leading to the inability to safely operate a vehicle. This is because alcohol is directly absorbed…
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Lesiones Comunes por Accidentes Automovilísticos

Lesiones Comunes por Accidentes Automovilísticos

Auto Accident
Los accidentes automovilísticos pueden causar una variedad de lesiones graves, incluidas las que pueden alterar drásticamente el curso de la vida. En los casos más graves, es posible que las víctimas no puedan trabajar o vivir sin atención médica 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Algunas de las lesiones más comunes que puede sufrir en un accidente automovilístico se detallan a continuación. Para obtener más información, llame a nuestra oficina hoy para programar una evaluación gratuita de su caso con un abogado de accidentes automovilísticos de Beverly Hills. Quemaduras Las quemaduras son una lesión común en los accidentes automovilísticos, especialmente en los casos en que los automóviles se incendian o los gases o líquidos calientes escapan del compartimiento del motor y entran en la cabina. Lesiones Cerebrales…
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Conducir en Estado de Ebriedad con Camiones Comerciales.

Conducir en Estado de Ebriedad con Camiones Comerciales.

Auto Accident
Conducir en estado de ebriedad es un problema importante en todo California y el resto del país, y algunos conductores de camiones comerciales conducen en estado de ebriedad a pesar de las estrictas regulaciones y las fuertes sanciones. Las personas que resultan heridas por camioneros ebrios generalmente pueden recuperar una compensación por sus lesiones y otras pérdidas. Si ha estado involucrado en un accidente con un camionero borracho, debe llamar a un abogado lo antes posible. Cómo el Alcohol Afecta a un Camionero Beber puede tener un impacto significativo en la capacidad del conductor para operar su camión. Por ejemplo: ● Ralentiza sus tiempos de reacción. ● El alcohol afecta el juicio y el poder de decisión de los conductores. ● Compromete el control del vehículo del conductor. ● El…
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