Cuánta Compensación Puede Obtener Después De Un Accidente Automovilístico

Cuánta Compensación Puede Obtener Después De Un Accidente Automovilístico

Auto Accident
Como bufete de abogados de lesiones personales de Beverly Hills, la gente nos hace preguntas como estas todos los días. La realidad es que ni siquiera podemos adivinar el valor de su reclamo sin conocer los detalles de su caso. Su compensación estará determinada por una variedad de factores, principalmente en relación con las pérdidas en las que incurrió debido al accidente y las lesiones resultantes. Podemos evaluar su situación y darle una idea de lo que podría esperar si puede presentar un reclamo por accidente automovilístico. Gastos Médicos Las lesiones graves necesitan atención médica inmediata y es posible que necesite un tratamiento continuo durante semanas, meses o incluso años. Nunca evite la ayuda médica debido a preocupaciones sobre el costo, ya que obtener el diagnóstico y el tratamiento que…
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El Error Del Conductor Del Camión Suele Ser El Culpable En Un Accidente

El Error Del Conductor Del Camión Suele Ser El Culpable En Un Accidente

Auto Accident
Nuestro bufete de abogados de accidentes de camiones de Beverly Hills representa a muchas víctimas de accidentes, y una cosa que podemos decir es que el error del conductor del camión a menudo es el culpable. Piense en el estrés de las vacaciones que sufren los conductores de camiones, por ejemplo, combinado con las condiciones de conducción invernales que pueden conducir fácilmente a errores y colisiones. Las siguientes son algunas formas en que puede mantenerse seguro siempre que sea posible y, en caso de un accidente, comuníquese con nuestra firma para una evaluación gratuita de su caso. Nunca Conduzca En Los Puntos Ciegos De Un Camión Si no puede ver los espejos de un camión, el conductor no puede verlo a usted. Recuerde que el punto ciego de un camión…
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Los Riesgos De Chupar Rueda

Los Riesgos De Chupar Rueda

Auto Accident
En las áreas de Beverly Hills y L.A., nuestro tráfico en las autopistas y la ira en la carretera son mundialmente famosos. Como abogados de accidentes automovilísticos de Beverly Hills, hemos visto de primera mano cómo seguir de cerca y otras tácticas agresivas de conducción pueden causar lesiones graves a otros. Distancia De Seguimiento De Dos Segundos O La Longitud Completa De Un Automóvil Como repaso, todos los conductores deben saber que cuando su automóvil está en movimiento, debe poder contar "uno-uno-mil, dos-uno-mil" entre el momento en que el automóvil frente a usted pasa por un punto fijo y cuando tu coche pasa por el mismo punto. Esto se denomina “Distancia de seguimiento de dos segundos”. Cuando vaya a detenerse, deje el largo de un automóvil entre usted y el…
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Cómo Una Lesión En La Columna Puede Cambiar Su Vida Financieramente

Cómo Una Lesión En La Columna Puede Cambiar Su Vida Financieramente

Auto Accident
En nuestro bufete de abogados de lesiones personales de Beverly Hills, hemos visto los costos escandalosos que enfrentan nuestros clientes con lesiones de la médula espinal. Las lesiones de la columna vertebral son eventos que alteran la vida en extremo. La mayoría de nosotros, por ejemplo, estamos familiarizados con el accidente de equitación de Christopher Reeves que lo dejó paralizado en una silla de ruedas y confiando en respiradores. Requirió atención profesional las 24 horas del día y finalmente sucumbió a sus heridas. Facturas Médicas Posteriores Al Accidente Para alguien con parálisis, los siguientes son algunos estimados costes de una lesión de la médula espinal inmediatamente después de que ocurre (hospitalización): ● Cuadripléjico (lesión en la parte superior del cuello), $1,064,716 ● Cuadripléjico (parte superior de la columna), $769,351 ●…
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The Risks of Tailgating

The Risks of Tailgating

Auto Accident
In the Beverly Hills and L.A. areas, our freeway traffic and road rage are world-famous. As Beverly Hills car accident lawyers, we have seen firsthand how tailgating and other aggressive driving tactics can cause severe injuries to others. Two-Second Following Distance or One Full Car Length As a refresher, every driver should know that when your car is in motion, you should be able to count “one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand” between the time the car in front of you passes a fixed point and when your car passes the same point. This is called a “Two Second Following Distance.” When you are coming to a stop, leave one full car length between you and the car in front of you. If Someone is Tailgating You Remember to drive defensively, not aggressively. If…
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Who Was Responsible for Your Motorcycle Accident?

Who Was Responsible for Your Motorcycle Accident?

Auto Accident
Everywhere in Southern California, you can see people zipping around on their motorcycles and other two-wheeled motor vehicles. While this can be an adrenaline rush and a great way to enjoy the climate and views, other drivers regularly crash into motorcyclists and cause them serious injuries. It is key to identify who can be held responsible for your crash, as this party should also be responsible for all of your injury-related losses. Consider All Related Parties In a motorcycle crash, there can be more than one at-fault party. You may just be thinking this is about you and the other driver, however, in a personal injury case from a motorcycle crash, these parties may also be partially or wholly responsible: The last mechanic who worked on your bike (and/or the…
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How a Spinal Injury Can Change Your Life Financially

How a Spinal Injury Can Change Your Life Financially

Auto Accident
At our Beverly Hills personal injury law firm, we have seen the outrageous costs our spinal cord injury clients face. Spinal injuries are extremely life-altering events. Most of us are, for example, familiar with Christopher Reeves’s horseback-riding accident that left him paralyzed in a wheelchair and relying on breathing machines. He required professional care around the clock and ultimately succumbed to his injuries. Post-Accident Medical Bills For someone with paralysis, the following are some estimated costs of a spinal cord injury immediately after it occurs (hospitalization): Quadripelegic (high neck injury), $1,064,716Quadripelegic (upper spine), $769,351Paraplegic (lower spine), $347,484 Often those affected by spinal cord injuries are in the hospital (or transitional nursing homes) for 6 to 12 months or more.                                                        The costs of care continue well after being released…
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How Much Compensation Can You Get After a Car Accident?

How Much Compensation Can You Get After a Car Accident?

Auto Accident
As a Beverly Hills personal injury law firm, people ask us questions like these every day. The reality is that we cannot even provide a guess about the value of your claim without knowing the details of your case. Your compensation will be determined by a variety of factors, mostly concerning the losses that you incurred due to the accident and your resulting injuries. We can evaluate your situation and give you an idea of what you might expect if you can pursue a car accident claim. Medical Expenses Serious injuries need immediate medical care, and you might need ongoing treatment for weeks, months, or even years. Never avoid medical help due to concerns about cost, as getting the diagnosis and treatment you need is critical to the success of…
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Should You Accept A Car Accident Insurance Offer?

Should You Accept A Car Accident Insurance Offer?

Auto Accident
If you are involved in a car accident that is not your fault, it is often a complex decision whether or not to settle with the other driver’s insurance company or take the other driver to court. Whether or not you should accept a settlement offer from the other driver’s insurance company depends on a variety of factors. Foremost, you should have the advice of a lawyer before you even consider entertaining a settlement offer from an insurance company. Too many unrepresented accident victims accept inadequate settlements because they did not have a lawyer review the offer. It is good to expect that the first offer made will almost always be a lowball offer and will not properly compensate you for your injuries and losses suffered by the accident. Always…
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Steps To Hold Drunk Drivers Liable for your Injuries

Steps To Hold Drunk Drivers Liable for your Injuries

Auto Accident
Drunk driving is a serious problem in California, claiming more than 3,000 lives last year in the state alone. If you are involved in a drunk driving accident and you are injured, there are certain steps you should take to ensure that the drunk driver is held liable for your injuries.  First off, if you notice the other driver who caused the accident is intoxicated, you should immediately notify the authorities when you call to report the accident. Never confront the driver on your own, as they might get agitated. You should be sure to take a picture, if possible, of their license plate and vehicle, as soon as you can after the crash. That way, if they flee the scene (as many drunk drivers try to do), you can…
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