Peligros para los Ciclistas en Beverly Hills

Peligros para los Ciclistas en Beverly Hills

Bicycle Accident
Un medio de defensa de las bicicletas llama a Beverly Hills “la pequeña ciudad más peligrosa de California”, y por una buena razón. Si bien tiene todo el derecho legal de estar en las calles en su bicicleta, está tomando su vida en sus manos cuando lo hace. Las intersecciones de Beverly Hills se encuentran habitualmente entre las más peligrosas del estado en términos de accidentes. North Santa Monica Boulevard en Wilshire se conoce como una intersección particularmente peligrosa. Esta intersección se construyó para mover la mayor cantidad posible de automóviles a través de ella, sin prestar atención a las necesidades de seguridad de los ciclistas. De hecho, este es un tema común en Beverly Hills, que fue diseñado pensando en el automóvil. En otras palabras, casi no tiene infraestructura…
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Dangers for Cyclists in Beverly Hills

Dangers for Cyclists in Beverly Hills

Bicycle Accident
One bicycle advocacy outlet calls Beverly Hills “the most dangerous little city in California,” and for a good reason. While you have every legal right to be on the streets on your bicycle, you are taking your life into your hands when you do so. Beverly Hills intersections are routinely found to be among the most dangerous in the state in terms of accidents. North Santa Monica Boulevard at Wilshire is known as a particularly dangerous intersection. This intersection was built to move as many cars through it as possible, with zero focus on the safety needs of cyclists. In fact, this is a common theme in Beverly Hills, which was designed with the car in mind. In other words, it has next to no infrastructure for cyclists to keep…
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What is a Bicycle Dooring Accident?

What is a Bicycle Dooring Accident?

Bicycle Accident
In April of 2018, a man was riding in the bike lane on Alameda Avenue in Burbank when a car door was opened right in front of him. He struck the car door, was thrown from his bicycle, and was then run over by a pick-up truck. He succumbed to his injuries a few short minutes later in the hospital, reported the LA Times. What is Dooring? “Dooring” is when a bicyclist or motorcyclist (moped, skateboard, or scooter rider) is riding near parked cars and someone exiting one of those parked cars opens their door right in front of the biker. The bicycle or motorcycle hits the door and the rider typically flies over their handlebars and over the door. Although there are many advantages to bike lanes, putting them…
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How Dooring Accidents Hurt Cyclists

How Dooring Accidents Hurt Cyclists

Bicycle Accident
Bike lanes running right next to where cars are parking is, as they say, an accident waiting to happen. Our passionate team of Beverly Hills bike accident attorneys has seen the damage and injuries that can be caused when car passengers open their doors in front of incoming bicycles, and it can be severe. If a driver opened a car door without first checking whether there was an oncoming cyclist, they should be responsible for all of the harm and losses that result. Drivers, Check Your Mirrors If you’re parked next to the street, particularly if you’re parked next to a bike lane, always look for bicycles before you open your door. This extra millisecond can make a huge difference to a cyclist and their bike. Anywhere from 30 to…
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Signs Of a Concussion After A Bicycle Accident

Signs Of a Concussion After A Bicycle Accident

Bicycle Accident
Even if you wear a helmet every time you are on a bike, you can still suffer head trauma and a concussion if you crash and fall off. Studies have found that nearly 25% of active cyclists in America who’ve been in a bicycle accident have suffered a concussion. Therefore, it is not an uncommon occurrence whatsoever, and you should be on high alert for any signs that you should seek medical help. For example, if you have blurred vision or ringing in your ears immediately after hitting your head, that is a red flag.  Dizziness, nausea, and vomiting are also fairly clear signs that you may have suffered a concussion in your accident. If you find yourself experiencing temporary memory loss after the accident, or if you’re having difficulties…
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Puede sufrir una lesión cerebral con un casco de bicicleta

Puede sufrir una lesión cerebral con un casco de bicicleta

Bicycle Accident
Cuando piensa en lesiones cerebrales traumáticas en los deportes, generalmente puede pensar en los jugadores de fútbol y los riesgos que enfrentan en el deporte de contacto intenso. Es posible que no se dé cuenta de que el deporte con las lesiones cerebrales traumáticas más frecuentes por sus participantes está realmente haciendo ciclismo, con más lesiones cerebrales traumáticas provenientes de este deporte que de cualquier otro. Quizás sea el gran volumen de personas que participan en el deporte del ciclismo lo que lleva a estas cifras, pero el hecho es que el ciclismo te expone a un mayor riesgo de lesiones cerebrales traumáticas, incluso si llevas casco. Eso no quiere decir que los cascos no brinden protección contra las lesiones cerebrales traumáticas para los ciclistas. Los estudios demuestran que el…
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Drivers Don’t Always Share the Road With Cyclists

Drivers Don’t Always Share the Road With Cyclists

Bicycle Accident
It is undeniable that sharing the road between automobiles and bicycles can be a problematic task, particularly because of the nature of the vehicles. Bicycles are very different vehicles than cars and trucks. Since they aren’t motorized and require manual work to operate, they aren’t capable of moving as quickly. Furthermore, they are small and more difficult to see.  Motor vehicle users don’t always ensure they are properly sharing the road with their cycling counterparts. To help prevent hitting bicycles while driving a vehicle, drivers should be sure to be: Indicate when passing a cyclist of your intent to pass.Check your blind spots carefully when changing lanes, opening your door, when preparing to turn, or when traversing an intersection.Travel at a safe following distance from any bicycle. Be especially careful…
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You Can Sustain a Brain Injury with a Bicycle Helmet

You Can Sustain a Brain Injury with a Bicycle Helmet

Bicycle Accident
When you think of traumatic brain injuries in sports, you might generally think of football players and the risks they face in the heavy contact sport. You might not realize that the sport with the most frequent traumatic brain injuries for its participants is actually cycling, with more traumatic brain injuries coming from this sport than any other. Perhaps it is the large volume of people that participate in the sport of cycling that leads to these figures, but the fact remains that cycling exposes you to a higher risk for traumatic brain injuries, even if you are wearing a helmet. That is not to say that helmets do not provide protection against traumatic brain injuries for cyclists. Studies show that wearing a bicycle helmet can reduce the risk of…
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