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Personal Injury
If you think that pedestrian accidents only occur when pedestrians jaywalk or otherwise put themselves in harm's way, you are mistaken. The fact is that many pedestrian injuries resulting from accidents involving motor vehicles occur when a pedestrian is exercising their right of way in traversing a crosswalk, and a motorist makes an error in judgment or is inattentive or intoxicated and fails to stop or avoid hitting that pedestrian. In 2006 alone, there were 5,000 reported deaths from pedestrians being hit while crossing a crosswalk. In California alone, 893 pedestrians were killed on California roadways in 2018 alone. Furthermore, California's pedestrian fatality rate in traffic accidents is a whopping 25% higher than the national average of all states, and no single state has more pedestrian fatalities from roadway accidents…
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Auto Accident
California sees a lot of car accidents on its busy roadways. When you get into a car crash, the immediate concern is the injuries that one can sustain in such a traumatic and dangerous incident. When cars get in collisions, there is always a risk that people will sustain serious injuries. These injuries can range from mild to severe, and many victims require emergency medical attention. This means that if you're in a car accident, your injuries may require immediate medical attention and potentially emergency surgery. Common Injuries Requiring Surgery There are many types of injuries you can sustain from a car accident that can lead to surgery. Five of the most common include: Head and Brain InjurySpinal Cord InjuryKnee InjuryFractures or Broken BonesInternal Organ Injury No matter what type…
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What Causes Motorcycle Crashes?

What Causes Motorcycle Crashes?

Motorcycle Accident
California has the most registered motorcyclists of any state, and these motorcyclists are always at risk of accidents and injuries. The predominant reason motorcycle accidents happen is negligent or inattentive driving by those in larger motor vehicles. These drivers might fail to see or notice motorcycles when making lane changes, turning, or merging. Even though motorcyclists have every right to share the road, they are always at high risk of being hit by drivers - especially distracted drivers. Distracted drivers have a difficult time staying aware of their surroundings while driving. They might not notice a vehicle in their blind spot, they might not see traffic stopped in front of them, and other dangerous scenarios. Because motorcycles are such small vehicles, distracted drivers can have an even more challenging time…
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Common Injuries To Pedestrians

Common Injuries To Pedestrians

Auto Accident
Pedestrians are a high-risk class of people when it comes to being injured. The most common injuries to pedestrians occur when a motor vehicle collides with them in some way. Because pedestrians have zero protection from crashes, they can suffer multiple traumatic injuries in one incident. In a recent year, about 137,000 pedestrians sought medical care in emergency rooms nationwide following accidents. Some common injuries to pedestrians include: Lower body injuries - The hood of a car might collide with a pedestrian’s legs or knees, causing fractures, soft tissue damage, dislocations, and more. Spinal injury - If a pedestrian suffers back trauma, it can damage the spinal cord, potentially causing paralysis. Hip and pelvis injuries - Many pedestrians are knocked over by the force of a collision, and hitting the…
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Car Accidents & What You Need To Know

Car Accidents & What You Need To Know

Auto Accident
When you get in a car accident, it is a stressful situation. There are often two sides to the story as to who was at fault, and sometimes, liability can be difficult to determine. The stress, anxiety, shock, and confusion that follows a car accident - not to mention possible physical injuries - complicate your ability to calmly and effectively analyze the situation properly. For this reason, it is good to discuss the car accident claim process with a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer as soon as possible. A Car Accident Occurs, What Now? The priority after a car accident is getting medical treatment for your injuries. Whether you need an ambulance ride or can take yourself to a hospital, you should get a medical evaluation right away. Nearly 2…
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Hit By A Drunk Driver Over Spring Break?

Hit By A Drunk Driver Over Spring Break?

Auto Accident
Over spring break, many young college students and other tourists flock to California to get away from it all and enjoy a relaxing time in this great state. However, spring breakers also are known to engage in a lot of fraternization involving liquor consumption, which can lead to poor decision-making on their part. Some make the mistake of driving while intoxicated, which can present great risks for everyone in the area. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, you may become a victim to one of these spring break partiers who has made the poor decision to drink and drive.  Studies Show Spring Breakers Lead To Increased Risks to Drivers A study done by the University of Miami found that a spike in auto accidents occurs…
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Amazon Delivery Truck Accidents

Amazon Delivery Truck Accidents

Truck Accident
Many households across the U.S. have become dependent on Amazon deliveries, and the company’s influence and prevalence in our daily society can not be understated. Amazon delivery trucks are as common as any other commercial vehicle on the road, and they travel everywhere to perform their essential services. With more of these Amazon delivery trucks on the road, delivery van and truck crashes can also increase. Factors Leading Amazon Delivery Crashes With the rise of services like Amazon Prime delivery and its promises of immediate delivery, many drivers have a more frantic approach to meeting delivery deadlines. Studies have concluded this is a major reason for rising accident rates involving Amazon delivery trucks. The constant pressure to deliver ever more packages on Amazon drivers has led to reckless driving behavior.…
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Peligros para los Ciclistas en Beverly Hills

Peligros para los Ciclistas en Beverly Hills

Bicycle Accident
Un medio de defensa de las bicicletas llama a Beverly Hills “la pequeña ciudad más peligrosa de California”, y por una buena razón. Si bien tiene todo el derecho legal de estar en las calles en su bicicleta, está tomando su vida en sus manos cuando lo hace. Las intersecciones de Beverly Hills se encuentran habitualmente entre las más peligrosas del estado en términos de accidentes. North Santa Monica Boulevard en Wilshire se conoce como una intersección particularmente peligrosa. Esta intersección se construyó para mover la mayor cantidad posible de automóviles a través de ella, sin prestar atención a las necesidades de seguridad de los ciclistas. De hecho, este es un tema común en Beverly Hills, que fue diseñado pensando en el automóvil. En otras palabras, casi no tiene infraestructura…
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Calcular los Costos Médicos de las Lesiones por Accidentes Automovilísticos

Calcular los Costos Médicos de las Lesiones por Accidentes Automovilísticos

Auto Accident
Cuando ha resultado lesionado en un accidente automovilístico, tiene derecho a los costos económicos completos de sus daños. Una de las partes principales de sus daños económicos son las facturas médicas. Debe tener una idea de sus gastos médicos futuros porque no puede regresar una segunda vez para obtener más dinero si recupera muy poco. El desafío es saber ahora exactamente qué atención médica necesitará en el futuro. Además, es posible que no tenga idea de cuánto costarán los servicios médicos dentro de unos años. Estas son tareas que su abogado deberá realizar antes de presentar su reclamo a la compañía de seguros. Su Abogado Valorará su Reclamo Todo comienza con un diagnóstico integral de sus lesiones. Luego, su abogado revisará el diagnóstico. Es posible que trabajen con expertos médicos…
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Accidentes de Peatones en la Noche

Accidentes de Peatones en la Noche

Auto Accident
Las muertes de peatones han aumentado dramáticamente durante la última década, y el problema solo empeora. El mayor riesgo para los peatones es cuando se aventuran a salir de noche. El problema es aún peor en un área urbana. El área de Los Ángeles es la desafortunada tormenta perfecta para los accidentes de peatones, especialmente de noche. A los angelinos les gusta aprovechar las opciones de vida nocturna en el área, y están en las calles después del anochecer. No hay absolutamente nada de malo en eso. Siempre que crucen en intersecciones y pasos de peatones, el deber recae en el conductor de tener cuidado y evitar atropellarlos. Los Conductores prestan aún Menos Atención por la Noche El tema es que los conductores no ejercen el debido cuidado. Son aún…
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